Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pussy day?

National Eat Pussy Day is on June 24th. People celebrate by eating girls out.

Forest: "I'm going to Christina's house tomorrow."

Emily: "To do what?"

Forest: "Imma eat her out didn't you hear tomorrow's National Eat Pussy Day!"

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Pussy day - video


Pussy day - what is it?

This wonderful holiday falls on June 24th

Jessica:You hear what tomorrow is?

Tom:The 24th?

Jessica:No National Eat Pussy Day!

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What does "Pussy day" mean?

18th october is when boys can pull β€˜em Panties down and lick as much s as they want to.

It doesn’t matter if the girls says no.

When Bobby went to school, the first thing he did was to pull Ellie’s panties down because it’s lick pussy day

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Pussy day - what does it mean?

Deep Pussy Day is celebrated on the 18th of November.

Β«This girl has a really deep pussy!”
β€œToday is the Deep Pussy Day.”

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Pussy day - meaning

You can walk up to any female and touch there pussy for free

Hey it’s touch pussy day bro let’s go touch some coochie

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Pussy day - definition

Every 25th of every month is grab pussy day where u can do anything to a girls pussy (eat that out,fuck , scissor,etc) have fun!

Hey it’s grab pussy day tomorrow maybe we can meet up at my place...

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Pussy day - slang

National Pussy day

May 15th is national Pussy day all around the world. To rejoice how ultimately Pussy you are

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Pussy day

It is the day when your girlfriend or partner makes you steak for dinner then gives you some pussy later. Pussy can mean sex, eating out, or anything involving it.

This day only happens once a year on February 21st.

Zack: Hey John what day is it
John: Oh it’s steak and pussy day
Zack: Oh shit I almost forgot

John: Yeah my girlfriend is cooking me steak right now!

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Pussy day

A day then boyfriend and girlfriend who don't live in one place yet get together to have sex. This day should excuse any other non-relationship activity, like going to the gym or work. Preferably Saturday.

Q:Dude, what time are we going to gym today?
A. 1:Sorry Bro, my girlfriend wants a pussy day.
A. 2:No I am not going, today we having a Pussy day!

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Pussy day

Celebrated on November 5th. it celebrates everything that the vagina has given us. Usually, a couple celebrates this day by having brutal sex.

John: dude, i can't wait until tomorrow!
Steve: why?
John: it's Pussy Day!
Steve: oh, i totally forgot! did you get her a present?

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