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What is Pump and dump?

A fast, unprotected sexual meeting between two gay men, where the top "pumps" the bottom and "dumps" his ejaculate inside the receiver.

I need to get off, know anyone up for a quick pump and dump?

👍367 👎259

Pump and dump - video


Pump and dump - what is it?

To pump a stock that you own and dump it when the price goes up.

Stay away from QBID it is a pump and dump.

👍425 👎287

What does "Pump and dump" mean?

when a guy has sex with a girl with the intent to only get a nut. it consists of 1 - 5 pumps or thrusts followed by ejaculation (dump his load) followed by the departure of the male to go back to the party or wherever it was that he met the victim of the "pump and dump"

much to sallys displeasure, her and jacks sexual experience at keegans party consisted of only a pump and dump in the bathroom.

👍249 👎151

Pump and dump - what does it mean?

To pump and dump a load in a hot hole and leave. Usually referring bareback sex (anal sex without a condom). A breed and bail

Dude, up for a pump and dump?

That would be great... have a few before work

👍423 👎209

Pump and dump - meaning

Similar to a one night stand. One who purposely fornicates with another, while not intending to see them in the future. Like a conquest.

Chad: "Dude, I scored a hot piece of ass last night!"

Ken: "What, is she like your girlfriend now or something?"

Chad: "Naw man, it was just a pump and dump scenario. I've got a date with Buffy tonight."

👍1377 👎415

Pump and dump - definition

to jack off and take a shit at the same time. Double the pleasure, double the fun.

I was feeling very horny but had to take a shit so why not kill 2 birds with one stone and pump a dump?

👍81 👎19

Pump and dump - slang

Having sex with a woman one time and then never talking to them again

Boi Mike pulled an epic pump and dump with that girl from the bar

👍447 👎77

Pump and dump

Essentially, Pumping and Dumping refers to chopping and screwing a dubstep song. Much like Dj-Screw chopped dirty south bangers, pumping and dumping lowers the pitch and tempo of the song, and emphasizes the LFO wobbles. It actually resembles Purple more than dubstep. And there is more chopping, to the point where only the skeletal structure of the song is faintly present. This began Sept 22, 2011 and was created by B-Pride.

Yo! You hear that new Caspa joint!? B-Pride pumped and dumped the shit out of that track, that filthy felon!

👍163 👎33

Pump and dump

A classic definition of a hit ‘n run in the dating world. When a male specimen is looking to pump and dump his suitor aka one night stand.

Hey bro, you calling her again? Or is she a pump and dump?

👍29 👎11

Pump and dump

When you masturbate and s*** at the same time

Bro this morning I was on the hub and had me a old fashioned pump and dump

👍43 👎25