Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Propagandous?

Adj- With a nature of propaganda

Bill McPolitics: "We are the best country in the world!"

John Doe: "Dude... that is some propagandeous bullshit."

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Propagandous - what is it?

Pronunciation is Prop-uh-gan-dik

A way to describe something that perpetuates propaganda.

Created using the word "propaganda" and the suffix "ic".

"The propagandic media was broadcasted throughout the city."

"The thought that the news could be spreading propagandic content is unsettling."

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What does "Propagandous" mean?

usually associated with bullshit commercials used to lure people for buisness.

Oh..McDonalds is advertising that fucked up fish McNuggets propergander...

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Propagandous - what does it mean?

adj. of or relating to propaganda

Nazi Germany spread propagandic misinformation to mislead both its enemies and citizens.

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Propagandous - meaning

to be propaganda. Something that uses to propaganda to change the puplics opinion about a topic.

That movie about Hitler was Propagandous

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Propagandous - definition

Adjective that describes a place or society that is strictly based on propaganda. Mostly used when describing a society that is so full of propaganda that it is like a dead place.

The society in Fahrenheit 451 was so propagandized because of the way that the society was not allowed to read books because the government forbade it.

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Propagandous - slang

The act of propagating propaganda

The sheeple will believe anything the liberal media propagandates.

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