Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pro Life?

In the most non biased way I can say it:
A term, generally used to describe the views preserving life,although most commonly used for those against abortion.

Pro Lifers usually believe that
- Abortion is Wrong
- Euthanasia is Wrong
- The Death Penalty is wrong
- Everyone has the right to life

Going unbiased:
No we are not anti-woman or sexist in any way. We just belief everyone has the right to life.

I believe that all life is good, and should be respected. I am Pro Life.

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Pro Life - video


Pro Life - what is it?

A 50 year-old white male that takes away women's rights because he has nothing good left to contribute to this world

Pro-life people are using fetuses as an excuse to take away women's rights and after that they don't even care for the babys

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What does "Pro Life" mean?

Politically correct label that applies to people who oppose a woman's right to chose. The choice of words, 'pro-life', suggests that the people who don't agree with them are 'pro-death' and therefore bloodthirsty babykillers.
Using the 'pro-life' label allows those who are described by it to do the following:
-Avoid any rational debate
-Advocate the murder of doctors who perform abortions
-Walk around with pictures of dead babies
-Never have to point out that they have never been in a predicament that would have them consider abortion (extreme poverty, rape...)
-Live in a fantasy world where abortionist kill babies as a hobby in satanic rituals
-Speak God's name in vain

-Hello, I'm Michael, 'I'm pro-life'.
-Really? well that's nice, death sure is overrated.
-Wanna look at my pictures of mutilated babies?

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Pro Life - what does it mean?

A term invented by anti-abortionists to refer to being anti-abortion.

Everyone is pro-life you idiot, what you are is anti-abortion.

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Pro Life - meaning

A misleading phrase which should actually read: "Pro-governmental regulation and interference on actions that don't remotely nessesitate it."

I'm pro-life, because I believe the government is our moral authority, and knows what's best for us!

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Pro Life - definition

is a group of people who believe that the baby should be brought into the world alive and should not be disposed of as medical waste. They are convinced and take science as proof that human life begins with fertilization and a human being has something to do with the species and not with development. Pro Life believes there should be no right to kill something that should be protected.

Pro Life: Just because you don't have enough money doesn't justify killing an innocent life

Pro Life: no law forces anyone to become pregnant.

Pro Choice: Don’t force me to get birth
Pro Life: An abortion is nothing more than emergence from the womb. we are de remaining the baby should come out alive.

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Pro Life - slang

A big fucking joke.

Pro Life guy: Hey, you can't abort that kid!
Woman: Yeah I can. The FETUS was da result of a rape you narrow minded facist bastard!
Pro Life guy: Fuck you bitch ima go blow up a hospital.
Woman: Fuck you! *Pulls out .44 Magnum and shoots da facist fucker*

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Pro Life

Anyone who thinks unborn babies are alive. That's where this little propaganda starts. Silly, right? Well, these people think unborn babies are alive and that abortion is evil and wrong. ADOPTION IS THE ONLY OPTION! Says them. Don't listen to any retarted propaganda stories that everyone writes. Like, I am a little baby and I wanna grow up and meet mommy and oh no! mommy killed me. That's the blunt, shortened version without all the filler they add. They want you to blow up hospitals. I don't get that. If you blow up a hospital, aren't *you* killing? Abortion is murder? No, blowing up is murder. And anyway, what if they were raped! They could raise an adoption place, if they wanted. I know some flaws with that, but I'm trying to define rather than rant (though I'm sure I haven't succeded! Sorry guys!) so I won't list them.

My friend is Pro Life and she wants to protect unborn fetuses and blow up hospitals!

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Pro Life

PRO-LIFE: Male dominated religious fascist movement. Purpose: keep women shoeless, pregnant, and ignorant of political power. Secondary purpose: endless army of expendable poor children. (Useful for generating ghettos, welfare, and statistics)

Pro Life is positive. I'm positive there's a billion starving children in the world.

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Pro Life

A political stance in which protects the human rights of a undeveloped human, but apparentley the feelings of the woman who was raped didn't matter.

"My sister was raped but due to the Pro Life laws, She was forced to have a kid she didn't want."

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