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What is Privacy Policy?

A cool fact...

Urban Dictionary: "Definitions are subject to our terms of service and privacy policy."
User: "Cool."

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Privacy Policy - video


Privacy Policy - what is it?

The biggest lie ever told.

Ugh, YES, Urban Dictionary! I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy!

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What does "Privacy Policy" mean?

some shit no one reads but gets spam from all the time

Definitions are subject to our terms of service and privacy policy

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Privacy Policy - what does it mean?

When you updated your privacy policy and you want everybody to know

2:*punches 1 in the face*

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Privacy Policy - meaning

A subject of conversation nobody gives a flying fuck about.

Originates from the fuckton of "We're updating our privacy policy" emails in wake of GDPR

Dave: *spouting arcane shit in monotone voice*
Bob: I'm not following a damn thing he's saying.

Jim: Don't mind him; he's just updating his privacy policy.

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Privacy Policy - definition

A privacy policy is the state of action where company procedure regarding personal information is shown to punters (potential clients). This is aimed to set them at ease regarding thier information, although since it is a policy and not a contract, it can be broken with internal permission.

Forget a lame privacy policy- we've got a privacy contract!

--From some internet security site I encountered some time ago.

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Privacy Policy - slang

Lies and secrets!

The privacy policy's small-print said that by using this site my kidneys may fail. I failed to recognise this statement and now I am in hospital with a lap-top registering my digust through-out the world.

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Privacy Policy

Where a site either says "We hate spam, we'll never let anyone know your e-mail", or "Fuck you, we want money!"

That's what you get for not reading the privacy policy

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Privacy Policy

An agreement set up between people to keep things secret. Are always broken, we don't knwo why they're set up.

Bob: HAHA! I just agreed to this privaacy policy but I'm going to violate it!

Kali: stfu I'm watching porn.

Bob: F U

Rest of CLique: STFU!

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Privacy Policy

Basically a bunch of lies

The privacy policy was not there so

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