Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pregnancy?

Something women do to get rid of their periods !! yes it works, you should 100% try it !!šŸ˜ƒ

ugh im tired of cramping, im going to try pregnancy to get rid of them .

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Pregnancy - meme gif

Pregnancy meme gif

Pregnancy - video

Pregnancy - what is it?

The state of being pregnant or,
The essence of someone who's pregnant
Used to describe the mood swings associated with pregnancy.
More elegant form of the slang "preggo"

Example one: My wife exists in a state of pregnance, worried about what she eats and drinks to protect the fetus.

Example two: "She's acting really bitchy lately, then she cries out of no where, must be that pregnance"

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What does "Pregnancy" mean?

When a man's stomach protrudes so prominently, yet the rest of him is relatively thin, he resembles a 6 month+ pregnant woman

bro, check out that dudes pregnancy

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Pregnancy - what does it mean?

every man's greatest fear.

shit man, my gf got pregnant! that's an unexpected pregnancy...

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Pregnancy - meaning

ā€˜Bout 9 months

Pregnancy takes about nine months.

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Pregnancy - definition

Something living on the inside of you, leeching your nutrients, without killing you, that is parasitism at its best.

"Wow Jill, you look great! How is your pregnancy going"
"I am just carrying this parasite for another 2 months and then I am free!"

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Pregnancy - slang

You are indeed, my friend, 100% Totally screwed.

Please Bitch Don't say your pregnant.Fuck I'm off to the pub

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If you are reading and you or your partner is expecting then keep reading.

Take this pregnancy seriously, it's never too soon to start his/her college funds. Eat healthy foods and get exercise (recommended during 1-2 trimesters) Joint pain can happen so go for a nice relaxing swim but not in jacuzzis, too much heat is bad for the baby. Remember ur baby is in ur tummy one of the warmest spots of ur body.
Try to relax as much as often. Your entire pregnancy is going to be exhausting. Make sure you take vitamins. U can ask ur doctor about those.
Remember when your beautiful baby is older he or she is going to make lots of mistakes. It's ur job to make sure they learn from them the proper way.

Give them some space, (I'm 17 and my mum still doesn't give me any space ) especially if they are mad. Approach the topic later on.

Do your best to control your own anger as well. If they see u burst in flames due to anger they will think it's ok therefore following ur path.
Set an are his/ her romodel.
If u have made it thus far then u can tell children are not an easy task. But it's not always hard either. Nobody is going to be the perfect parents but if u try your best, they will let u know ur doing good ( not verbally) Always remember kids are going to say things that can hurt ur feelings but trust me they don't mean it.

Pregnancy can be an amazing part in your life

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Something you will later regret.

Pregnancy can be a horrible thing kids.

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What everyone seems all surprised at for virtually no reason. I mean, you had unprotected sex, what do you think is gonna happen?

*Person 1 and person 2 have sex*
*1 month later*
Person 1: Iā€™m pregnant.
Person 2: WHAT?!?!

Person 1: Well what did you think was going to happen, the cure for cancer? Sex causes pregnancy, idiot.

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