Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pratte's?

1)A deusch-bag that creeps around with younger girls and taxis them around like a little bitch.

2)A faggot that tries to wear gangster cloths such as timberland shoes and jordan cloths but simplay cannot pull them off.


1)Hottel keeps snaking on those younger girls he is turning into a pratt.

2)Bliss: I think im gonna hang out with dom and the sophomores.

Herks: Yeah okay pratt.

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Pratte's - meme gif

Pratte's meme gif

Pratte's - video


Pratte's - what is it?

a person who is awesome but being annoying

She is being a Pratt

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What does "Pratte's" mean?

A total fucktard choad. Often a hockey coach at prep schools. Meathead. Especially someone who supports date-raping hockey meatheads.

"Dude, did you hear Heather got raped by the captain of the hockey team???"

"Yeah, but that AD Pratt will make sure he doesn't get in any trouble. Pratt always protects his boys."

"Damn. That Pratt really sucks ass. What a tool."

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Pratte's - what does it mean?

cuteeeee β™₯️
funnyyy β™₯️
beautifullll β™₯️

smaaaart β™₯️

hi, my name is Pratt, if there’s anything I can do to help you, literally anything, I’ll go waaay out of my way to do it for you, because i’m literally the best and everybody loves me and wants me around.

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Pratte's - meaning

An acronym used on discussion boards, it stands for


first time poster comes along with old and thoroughly refuted arguments>

Regular Poster: Dude, spare us those pratts!

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Pratte's - definition

A surname of French Canadian origin (not to be confused with the Hollywood version, Pratt). Associated with military service, a taste for exotic beers, and in some cases, chain smoking. Career paths range between pursuits of pious religiosity and rampage drinking.
Pratte's have also been known to enter the fields of urban planning, law enforcement, policy analysis and retirement.

"Oh, Pratte's condemning me again." Or, "is that Pratte doing a keg stand?"

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Pratte's - slang

A neologism based on the abbreviation p.r.a.t.t. for "previously refuted a thousand times", referring to any claim that has been previously debunked, shown to be false, publicly challenged and defeated, or otherwise shown many, many times to be demonstrably and verifiably wrong... and yet continues as a claim by believers in pratt.

The dustbin of history is filled with pratt.

What, you still think aliens make crop circles? The dudes who invented crop circles went on TV and showed how they did it! It's like some kind of folk art form. That crop circle alien stuff is all just pratt, man. Move on.

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Abbreviation of Spencer Pratt and Stephanie Pratt, they of The Hills. Synonym for douche, dickwad, tosser, wanker, twat, bitch, backstabber, valley girl, and all derrogatory terms imaginable.

Stop being a Pratt

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old englsh word for vagina

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dim witted

"you acted like a right pratt last night"

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