Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Prash?

gawd , living sticker content, giga-helpful, friendly with OP, trying to be nightingale, loves 1st floor

a) I just came across a prash in our pg course
b)My HR prash-ed me with weekend assignment

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Prash - meme gif

Prash meme gif

Prash - video


Prash - what is it?

A Guy with Prosperous of Everything. And When I say Everything it means Everything. He can Fuck you dozen times, still his penis will be erect.

Prash Fucked me so good that My pussy became rose red

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What does "Prash" mean?

to pra·sh (/praʃ/), verb. 1. the act of being roasted yourself by the initial roast target due to the lack of roasting capabilities:

to prash; Your bitch ass just got prashed !

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Prash - what does it mean?

A girl who is beatiful but degrades herself by dressing like a two-cent whore. (Pretty+Trash)Famous peices of prash include Christina Aguilera.

Wow, she has nice eyes. Too bad she dresses like total prash.

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Prash - meaning

1. noun A term used to describe a cross between a homosexual human and a bear who punishes others by pooing on its hand then throwing the faeces at them while ghostriding a car also known to dress like whores
2. verb to 'touch willies with'
3. Another spelling of the word trash.

1. James: 'there's poo everywhere'
Random Guy: 'yeah a prash was out of its cave again and i didn't want to disturb it'
James: 'Fair enough those things can kill you with one lethal swipe'
2. Look at those two guys prashing
3.Time to take out the prash

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Prash - definition

to involuntarily shit one's self

'that dude got so wasted, he passed out and prashed himself'

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Prash - slang

An awesome, unique name for awesome people

Dude, that guy is like a Prash!

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A prash, someone who is very Annoying and a very mean person who will not mind their business.

Girl: Omg, look at him, he's actual being a prash to her!

Girl1: That's so stupid .

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