Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pooplet?

a bowel movement solely consisting of small pebble or rock sized pieces, typically the result of poor hydration. often this condition is spoken of as an annoyance or inconvenience due to lack of certainty in the completion of the task; the phrase β€œdropping the kids off at the pool” is a synonymous expression

Sorry it took so long for me to get back from the can, guys. I had pooplets and you never really know when you’re done.

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Pooplet - video


Pooplet - what is it?

When a pooplet Doesnt come out of your butthole so you are forced to wait for a fart, This results in A Pooplet fart.

He was forced to commit a Pooplet fart in order to get to work on time.

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What does "Pooplet" mean?

geese or pond bird dropping that is very fresh and wet

Thoose birds keep leaving moist poolets on my dock in the pond

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Pooplet - what does it mean?

pieces of crap

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Pooplet - meaning

small turd stuck in your butt hole and plops into toilet.

Damnit!!!there's a pooplet stuck in my asshole!!!!

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Pooplet - definition

A small bit of poo left after a flush.

Maryann was eager to get to the coffee shop she forgot to second flush that pooplet to hell

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Pooplet - slang

A tiny piece of poop.

I am so constipated, all I squeezed out was one pitiful pooplet.

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To do a small poop, no bigger than a grape. Such pooplet comes out in multiples and is never a single entity. Therefore pooplets are never alone. If on the rare occasion you do a single pooplet, it is referred to as a pooplia.

Person 1 - 'Are you okay in there?'
Person 2 - 'I won't be long, I'm just doing a pooplet'

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