Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Play with Fire?

Maybe the best song ever

Xx: Hey did you check out BLACKPINK’S Playing With Fire?
Xx: Of course you dumb bitch

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Play with Fire - video


Play with Fire - what is it?

to have sex

Many like to play with fire. It can be dangerous but it's fun.

Every couple plays with fire during their first night married.

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What does "Play with Fire" mean?

to do something dangerous

You really like to play with fire, don't you. Stay away from that Oxy if you care for your well being.

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Play with Fire - what does it mean?

When you take unnecessary risks.

To court danger.

Davey was really playing with fire when he picked up that drunk broad around the corner of the car accident.

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Play with Fire - meaning

Used primarily to advise someone against a course of action that may result in an unpleasing outcome either for themselves or others around them.

You’re playing with fire here. don’t blame me if you get hurt

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