Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pizza boy?

to eat a slice of pizza off a man’s dick as he’s dressed as a surfer

john: hey man me and your dad tried surfer boy pizza

bob: bro i thought we were gonna do that

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Pizza boy - video


Pizza boy - what is it?

Practically the best youtuber ever. He plays Madden and Fortnite but is not as good as others. He thinks he is so bad but he is not.

Yo, what is going on Itz Yo Boy Pizza!

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What does "Pizza boy" mean?

Not a level 99 Mob Boss and is the starting level of any incoming mafia member, as depicted by the super realistic mafia game: Mafia City.

Oh wow, look at that level 1 pizza boy. I bet he forgot to trip over a rock and level up after breaking his spine.

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Pizza boy - what does it mean?

An E-Boy but he's Italian. They tend to eat a lot of pasta, favor pizza over every other food type, and smells like garlic and cheese.

Ah Huah hauh
See that Italian Pizza Boy over there? He just asked if I liked my cheese hot or greasy...

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Pizza boy - meaning

drug dealer; ass on a slow night; person responsible for any problems during the ordering party's day, or for that matter, life.

If that mofacky pizza boy doesn'g get here soon I'm a break his sweet, delicious knees

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Pizza boy - definition

The boy you uncontrollably want to have a sex-only relationship with.

Rampa: Check out that boy shopping for toothpaste. What a hottie!!
Rumpa: You should make him your pizza boy.

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Pizza boy - slang

Another word for Italian, Wop, Greaseball.

Nick is a motherfucking Pizza Boy!

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Pizza boy

This is a person who's face is coverd in nasty zits and other unknown objects.

Ryan R: Dude, you are a pizza boy.
Jon H: wow, that is mean.

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Pizza boy

A pizza boy is generally the outcast in the group. Onlookers wonder what said person is doing interacting with a group of people who are obviously cooler than the pizza boy, and conclude that the only possible explanation is that said person must be delivering a pizza. An insult.
As taken from the "Mad Real World" skit on Chappelle's Show (Chad)

...John shows up at a party...
Steve: "Hey, who ordered the pizza; The pizza boy is here!"

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Pizza boy

Rich kid who owns a pizza franchise

Person1: Bruh did you hear pizza boy just bought ANOTHER pair of AirPods

Person2: yeah bro that pizza boy rich as hell

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