Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pickney?

it`s a jamiacan word used for a greedy person who ate too much

da bwai is a bong belly pickney
yu chop all the food like yu`re a bong belly pickney

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Pickney - meme gif

Pickney meme gif

Pickney - video


Pickney - what is it?

jamaican slang for kids

gotta go home n feed dem likkle pickneys

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What does "Pickney" mean?

Child, Kid, brats

Gwarn an get ya pickney

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Pickney - what does it mean?

A Jamaican word (patois) for a child.

Move the pickney to the other bed.

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Pickney - meaning

pickney - children
plural: pickney dem - those/the children

Da pickney dem mek bare noise
the children make loads of noise

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