Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Penisy?

Being full of yourself.

Man you are so penisy now, that you have gotten laided

👍73 👎43

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Penisy meme gif

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Penisy - what is it?

penisi (pl. n.)

The plural form of penis

My hot gf sucked on 45 penisi, so I dumped that slut.

👍49 👎19

What does "Penisy" mean?

Used when referring to two or more COCKS in a single unit.

Oh my god!!! get all those penisi out of my ear!!!

👍63 👎25

Penisy - what does it mean?

To be very assured of yourself, or cocky.

He gets that brand new car and all the sudden he acts like a penisy little bitch.

👍165 👎53

Penisy - meaning

the plural word for penis/to refer to multiple penises.


1 octopus= 2 octopi
1 penis= 2 penisi

leah: men really need to calm down about their penisi.

👍25 👎11

Penisy - definition

This word has multiple definitions:
1. An extremely annoying person.
2. A queer person who isnt gay but acts queer.
3. A dumbass with shitty comebacks.
4. An asshole.
5. A handsome penis.

1. Joe: I cannot stand kyle, hes so freaking annoying!
Fred: I know! Hes quite penisy.
2. Jacob: alec wanted to play the nervous game with me and i was like... No.
Sean: hes sooo penisy
3. Ex boyfriend: Shannon, i hate you. You should like die and get killed by a car.
Shannon: (to friend) my ex is so penisy!
4. Bully: karen your so fat and ugly you dont deserve to live.
Karen: god why are you so penisy?
5. Penis: do you think im handsome
Vagina: very much so baby. You are extremely penisy!;)

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Penisy - slang

When a guy is really skinny and lanky, kind of like a penis; skinny and long

That guy is way too penisy for me!
(That guy is way too skinny for me)

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To feel the urge for a homosexual encounter.

I've come over all penisy tonight.

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To describe a flavor

This sandwich tastes penisy.

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an alternate way of saying cocky

Chris: I got one!
Peter: Good, kid. Don't get penisy on me!

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