Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pee Wee herman?

Tomato soup

Danny: Mommmmm! Can we have Pee Wee Herman soup tonight?

*Danny's Mom and Dad chuckle uncontrollably*

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Pee Wee herman - video


Pee Wee herman - what is it?

The act of masturbating in the theatre whether it be a pornographic film or just a movie with actors.

"That movie was so hot that I just about pulled a pee-wee herman!

👍45 👎21

What does "Pee Wee herman" mean?

Pee wee Herman special deal at movie theater man personalized butter up your Pop corn with his dick

You want pee wee Herman special for Pop corn

👍29 👎11

Pee Wee herman - what does it mean?

To puncture any solid material with your dick and leave a hole.

Shane pee wee hermaned the wall connected to the bathroom to create a peep hole.

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Pee Wee herman - meaning

A perverted pedophile who once had a successful tv show called Pee Wees playhouse

Mike: Hey Todd isn't Pee Wee Herman a faggish fag

Todd: Yes he molested me

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Pee Wee herman - definition

The act of masturbating in a movie theatre.

That movie was so great, that I pulled a pee-wee herman!

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Pee Wee herman - slang

To jerk-off in public.

I saw Saddam Hussein pee wee herman in jail.

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Pee Wee herman

A man gets caught jerking in a movie theater pee wee don't keep your hands to yourself

Pee wee Herman you're going to jail for a long time

👍55 👎15

Pee Wee herman

A funny, weird, and wacky character created by himself aka Paul Reubens. Pee Wee Herman's character origniated with "The Groundlings", which them catapulted him to create "The Pee Wee Herman Show". As time passed, Pee Wee Herman successfully created a tv show named "Pee Wee's Playhouse", and not to mention a successful movie directed by Tim Burton called "Pee Wee's Big Adventure".

"I know you are but what am I?"
"Kids hurry up and finish your breakfast so you can watch Pee Wee's Playhouse."
"Pee Wee Herman is my hero"

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