Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Paternoed?

Wild, Gatsby-esque affair filled with references to furniture, "snow-storms", designer clothing and expensive watches. Nearly always overseen by "Papa" Paterno as he angrily scrambles around the kitchen cooking for about 108655677675753747 people. Usually a pretty big hit and has gained a semi cult status on campus. Cops rarely (if ever) show up and people usually return for the next rendition.

Experienced partygoer: Where are you going Saturday night?
Kid: Not sure, why what's up?
Experienced Partygoer: Paterno's having a party! He told me to invite people!
Kid: Awesome! I love Paterno Party's!
Experienced Partygoer: Did you see the Rolex?

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Paternoed - meme gif

Paternoed meme gif

Paternoed - video


Paternoed - what is it?

A man that has a really big dick.

New Girlfriend: "Oh my God, you're a Paterno! I've hit jackpot! Thank you God!"

👍165 👎445

What does "Paternoed" mean?

To be blamed for someone else's crime, even though you told someone about it.

"Man, I didn't even do it! I'm totally being Paterno'd here!"

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Paternoed - what does it mean?

v. to paterno: to watch something horrible happen then do nothing about it.

Jack paternoed me when he watched 5 men burgle me.

Quick sitting there and paternoing, get over here and help me fend off these zombies.

👍769 👎453

Paternoed - meaning

To turn a blind eye on unspeakable crimes.

"Hey, I just saw a kid being raped. Should we call the police."
"No way, dude. We've got Paterno this, or else it might splash back on us."

👍775 👎291

Paternoed - definition

To cultivate the appearance of successful leadership, all the while managing one's organization in a detached--perhaps even negligent--manner that invites malfeasance; to ignore poor and criminal behavior on the part of one's subordinates; to become so captivated in projecting an image of one's own compassion and beneficence, that one loses track of one's own charges and responsibilities.

"'Having a photo-op on an aircraft carrier, while your administration writes plans to cut veterans benefits is an act of the most hubristic Paternoism--but the optics are sure to move the Peoplemeters,' remarked the campaign consultant."

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Paternoed - slang

A Paterno is unit of currency equal to 6 million US dollars. Paternos are typically paid in cases of covering up for child rape.

"The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston was forced to pay 14 Paternos to victims of child rape by priests in 2003."

"Penn State got fined 10 Paternos for turning a blind eye to child rape on their campus."

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To be aware of something very important and very serious that requires immediate action, but choose to do nothing.

"Eddie heard someone screaming for help outside his window, but paternoed instead."

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If you were unjustly dismissed, fucked or screwed from a job-you have been Paternoed. Obviously you were competent but still were fired because a higher up in your organization ignored the truth.

I used to teach at that school but I got Paternoed. I think it was cause I was smarter then my boss.

👍41 👎73


Paternoed (verb, usually past-tense) -- Slang. To poop, to defecate, to move bowels accidentally or in a situation in which it is least desired. To crap oneself, i.e. moving bowels when wearing a garmet. Named for the legendary Penn State head football coach who was forced to leave in the middle of a big game to use the facilities. He returned after halftime wearing different pants and later said only that he had 'flu-like symptoms.'

Have you Paternoed yet today?

I Paternoed myself.

You smell like you Paternoed yourself.

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