Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Panty Drop?

It is a series of hand movements that channel powerful energy that can make any girl drop her panties

Guy: Ha! Panty Drop Jutsu!
Girl: o shit

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Panty Drop - video


Panty Drop - what is it?

When you have characteristics that make woman want you. ie you speak another language, she's into beards etc

Speaking french to a woman makes her panties drop, increasing your panty dropping skill.

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What does "Panty Drop" mean?

party for consecutive nights until you cant party no more or party until get so drunk and pass out.


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Panty Drop - what does it mean?

An individual capable of dropping the panties of another, commonly abbreviated to 'PDK'.

Tyson: Hey Nykola, are guys with afro's much of a PDK for you?

Nykola: Oh my God yes, and Bruno Mars is the biggest Panty Dropping Kryptonite of them all!

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Panty Drop - meaning

Music so good that people's underwear just comes sliding off in excitement.

Boy #1: "Hey we need to get this party started!"

Boy #2: "Yeah lets put on some Panty Dropping Tunage!"

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Panty Drop - definition

It refers to a girl losing her virginity at prom night

I have a plan to avoid operation panty drop

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Panty Drop - slang

A view from a high-rise or house that is so nice that a girl will immediately drop her panties once she sees it. You're getting some.

"Wow you can see central park from here. Bro you must get so many girls with your panty dropping view."

"Your view is so nice." /panties drop

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Panty Drop

When the sight of a sexy tattoo on a man makes a woman wanna fuck him immediately.

Damnnn Alexandra...dude over there has the hottest tattoo on his makes me wanna fuck him right now!!"... "Wow girl you're so right...he definitely has some panty dropping ink."

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Panty Drop

A women's subscription underwear box that delivers a delectable treat every 3 months. Each box is a surprise with gorgeous styles for everyday sexy and everynight sassy, selected based on the customer’s panty profile. Panty Drop inspires women from the bottoms up with great undies and a nonprofit giving program that supports women in leadership.

My underwear used to be terrible and old, but I signed up for Panty Drop and now I have great comfy and cute undies all the time!

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Panty Drop

When a girl moves her panties down and they fall to her ankles. This may be also happen when she slowly takes them off. At this time, the vulva is now exposed. Sexual intercourse may now take place. The panty drop may occur due to the girl being sexually excited and ready to engage in sexual activity.

I played a jazzy song and my girlfriend liked it so much she did a panty drop. My friend played the song for his wife and she did the same thing.

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