Definder - what does the word mean?

What is On the menu?

A phrase used to describe a mans standard sexual routine. Often well rehearsed, held primarily for one night stands and rarely deviated from.

Guy 1: "Hey I saw you talking to that cute girl at the bar, what happened?"

Guy 2: "Went back to her place. I just did my usual stuff. Snog, diddle, tongue, diddle. Front, behind, cuddle. The Set Menu."

👍383 👎17

On the menu - video


On the menu - what is it?

should've been SOTY but mnet robbed everyone

"Have you heard of gods menu?"

"Don't you mean SOTY?"

👍157 👎11

What does "On the menu" mean?

A useless menu with lack of nutritions. It only consists very small position of rice with poor-quality meat and vegetables. It is not healthy at all and will eventually destroy your body if you eat this too much.

Yet, this useless menu is promoted and supported by a totalitarian regime under Anwar Ibrahim. This is because his regime is a socialist regime such as North Korea. This kind of idea is definitely a socialist, since the main purpose is to make all people eating such a "basic" meal.

Menu Rahmah is an unhealthy socialist meal that will eventually destroy your body in the end.

👍365 👎15

On the menu - what does it mean?

A great deity who hath descended upon our forum. We must pay tribute or almighty Menu will crush us!

Praise be to Menu.

👍47 👎91

On the menu - meaning

N: A man with an undersized penis, a mini-penis.

Aaron, put that menus away before you poke someone's eye out!

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On the menu - definition

The act of spending time managing one's inventory in a videogame

I'll join you for the raid in a minute, I have to do some menuing first

👍25 👎11

On the menu - slang

When you are killed on a video game from a "modder" who is using a mod menu.

Pronounced: Men-U-eD

Got dang it, Dusty! I just got menued!

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On the menu

Services a prosititute offers, and prices for those services

I went to the cathouse the other day and saw this fine piece of ass, but I only had $100 on me, so I asked her what was on the menu.

👍101 👎39

On the menu

what you intend to do during the next hours

what we gon' do now ? what's on the menu ?

👍113 👎25

On the menu

Another term for the list or lineup of bands/performers playing at a music festival

You see that Wakarusa menu yet?

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