Definder - what does the word mean?

What is OLSA?

Olsa is a very hungry person. She eats all day. If you see her not eating, she is sick ๐Ÿค’!

You: how are you Olsa
Olsa: do you have something to eat?

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OLSA - meme gif

OLSA meme gif

OLSA - video


OLSA - what is it?

Olsaโ€™s are very shy at first but when they get comfortable they act crazy,theyโ€™re funny,adorable,pretty and hot. They can get any guy only if they want to! Theyโ€™re nice and kind to everyone but also mean if she wants to. Theyโ€™re very sarcastic and not everyone gets that!

A:bro,have u met Olsa

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What does "OLSA" mean?

Olsa is a beautiful girl that is very jealous. When you have a Olsa as a friend run โ€˜cause sheโ€˜s gonna hit you with an dab lmao. Olsa has no hobbies.

Omg did you see this olsa she is so jealous

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OLSA - what does it mean?

Olsa is not fake and sheโ€™s really handsome. She is a good person and she can play very good fortnite. ๐Ÿค 

Omg she is like olsa

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OLSA - meaning

Olsa is an amazimg person capable of doing anything she puts her mind at, they can also be a pain in the ass but you're lucky to have them, thay will be there when you need them most, they will encourage you, they will make you feel comfortable and they will beat your ass in bedwars. One little tip don't get on their wrog side tho-

Wow olsa ia amazing.

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OLSA - definition

The hottest person alive. Incredibly intelligent too, will beat your ass in Valorant and any other fps game. Will also definitely help you pass an exam

Damn bro Olsa got top fragger again, sheeeesh

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