Definder - what does the word mean?

What is OH ya?

Oh ya you right is a 4 word sentence used by t shirt cannon in object towel again 9, when grey guy tells him he doesnt have arms.

"My arms are getting tired! You dont have arms! Oh ya you right."

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OH ya - video


OH ya - what is it?

When you and you step dad are doing it but he's to much if a wimp to actually jump you

Oh ya daddy harder you little pussy baby just hump me

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What does "OH ya" mean?

You would most probally hear this in Corby.
You will walk past somewhere and you'll hear this being shouted.

Shezz; ''OH-YA-DICK.''
Harris; ''Shutup shezz.''
Shezz; ''OKAY :D''

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OH ya - what does it mean?

What you say when someone says something, and you say agree, but then in a not happy voice ask "WHAT???????!!!!"

Person 1: Now let's push you off Grand Canyon, OK?
Person 2: Oh ya... srรคbรฒrรกn?????!!!!

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OH ya - meaning

used when you have done something really stupid and you want to call attention to it

oh! ya blitherin!! just trip over the dog why don't ya

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OH ya - definition

when you are having pleasure when fucking your stepfather

she gets an orgasm while fucking her stepfather and says "OH YA DADDY"

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OH ya - slang

An Asian female orgasm.

"So I was fucking this Asian chick and as we were getting super into it, she was like, "oh yA oh yA oh yaaaaaaaaaaa." Man those Asian chicks sure have the best sex sounds."

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OH ya

Phrase used to reply to a question that can not be answered or does not want to be answered; It may also be used to piss off your friends when they are looking for an answer.

Hey George did you ever bang Sally?

Oh ya know.

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OH ya

A sexual noise made by woman whilst having sex

"Oh ya put it up there!!!!!"

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OH ya

Wisconsin/Minnesota/Michigan/Ontario/Newfoundland/Scandinavian for "yes" ... and "no," and "one more beer," and "I like death metal while driving but who the fuck put this shit on in the bar, its killin the vibe, hey" and "nice sweater," among other things. Also the sound most people from aforestated areas make during orgasm

Person 1. Sooo.... Sodomy, eh?
Person 2. Oh ya!

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