Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nono's?

Noelia is the most beautiful and funniest person I’ve ever know. If she loves you your life is complete. She also always motivates people and her smile is always on my mind<3

Noelia (Nono) is very talented and very kind. She is also the best mutual you can ever imagine. Chatting with you makes me incredible happy<33

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Nono's - meme gif

Nono's meme gif

Nono's - video


Nono's - what is it?

woman's breasts

That girl has some huge no-no's

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What does "Nono's" mean?

nono is a fourm that you can chat with others, it also is a place for people to disscus game and animation

I go to nono board and find some white yesterday

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Nono's - what does it mean?

To be adorable, cute, lovable, dreamy and sweet. Nono can also be used as a singular for the name of ones childhood toy.

Example 1: Shannon had such nononess

Example 2: Kholi showed a lot of nononess

Example 3: Victoria (a girl who also pertained much nononess): "I can't sleep without my nono!"

Boy: Oh wow that girl, such nono so many feels

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Nono's - meaning

Joejoe says Nono

Hey that’s mine
Oh Nono!

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Nono's - definition

an extremely powerful pain reliever, typically prescribed for back pain. typically found as 1000/325

I wanna pop (eat) a few NoNos

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Nono's - slang

A non-vulgar term for the male genitalia

"He put his nono near her nani."

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Nono is most likely a cute nickname that she got as a baby.She is a pretty cool person as longas you dont mess with her or her friends. Don't aggravate her or she will murder you

Hey nono how was your day today
Nono is a amazing person

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An incredible woman, who save a lot of Life, change every people she met in a better person. She's a very loyal friend and everyone feel lucly to know her

This girl is awesome, She is a Nono

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nono's the male genital area.

SALLY: ' omg you totz kick that dood in the nono's ' *high5*

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