Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Neidas?

(noun) pronounced ni-da. A mixed race baby. synonim for mulatto.

That girl looks like she could be a neida.

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Neidas - video


Neidas - what is it?

Neida is very caring, sweet, thick, and loves everyone no matter what you put her through. You can trust her on anything and your secret will be safe with her. She gets lost easily, is very insecure of herself and she cries when she cares. if you have a neida love her as much as you can and treat her right!

Guy β€œ you see that girl neida over there β€œ

Other guy β€œ yes she has booty β€œ

Guy β€œ I’m about to clap in em cheeks β€œ

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What does "Neidas" mean?

Neida is an adorable and caring girl that anyone is lucky to have. She will love and care for you as long as you have proven to her that you are able to be there just as she will. Many people think she's shy and never talks, but once you really meet her, you will see she is one of those girls that are shy but hella freaky at the same time! She is very beautiful too. She doesn't care what people have to say about her because she knows she's a bad bitch either way. Apprwciate your Neida because there's not a lot in the world.

Girl: Oh look it's Neida!
Another Girl: Neida is so nice I love her.

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Neidas - what does it mean?

Neida is an adorable girl! She does weird things, but it's so cute too. Anyone who would go out with a Neida would be so lucky! She is very creative and sweet, but she is also sensitive and insecure. Neidas are very nice girls that you can count on. She can be very interesting & kinky too. If you have a Neida, treasure her and love her for as long as you can.

Girl: Neida is so adorable! I just want to put her in my pocket!

Guy: Neida is too sensitive!

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Neidas - meaning

The worst xbox player ever.

some say when Neidas is playing call of duty he sweats like a 70 stone 3 year old trying to play football

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Neidas - definition

Neidas is a lovely lad, can sometimes be grumpy. One of the funniest in the friends group, wavy don uno.

Uno that Neidas yute he’s sound init

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