Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yute?

noun yute "cigarette"
adj. yuted..."smoked"
plural.... "yutes"
History of the word: From "the Danforth"
/Woodbine area in Toronto's East end.
Large Sicilian population.

"I'm all stressed out, you got a yute on you?"
"I can't believe you yuted the whole pack."
"Finish your yute now, because theres no yuting in my car."

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yute - meme gif

yute meme gif

yute - video

Yute - what is it?

A slang term for an obsessive YouTube enthusiast, especially one who is a youth.

Jayson is such a Yute. He'd rather spend all day watching videos on YouTube instead of doing homework.

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What does "yute" mean?

A year-minute, a minute that feels like it goes for a year. It's usually experienced when passing out, dying, or in extreme cases of boredom.

I was standing in the queue to the bathroom for a yute.

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Yute - what does it mean?

Yute is the Spanish name for Jute, a coarse vegetable or bast fiber traditionally used to make Burlap or Hessian and Gunny Bags. The major species of Jute are Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius.

Names of Jute in other languages:
1. Chinese, Japanese, Korean = Huangma (Yellow Hemp)
2. Italian = Iuta, Juta, Corcoro
3. Russian & Allied Languages = Dzhut
4. Arabic & Allied Languages = Lif Khysha (Burlap Fiber)
5. German = Jutefaser
6. French = Chanvre du Bengale (Bengal Hemp)

Sacos de Yute (Jute Sacks)

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Yute - meaning


"The two yutes--"
"Two whaa? What was that word?"
"huh? What word?"
"Two whaa?"
"Did you say 'yutes'?"

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Yute - definition

term used to address someone.

person: "my yute, shut up before u receive a defaz"
yute: "im sorry please dont hurt me!"
"hes a good yute, styll."

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Yute - slang

a word used to describe somebody you don't like

look at that nasty yute over there

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A Jamaican slang term for youth, meaning young adult or a child.

ā€œDah yute be uglyy...ā€ says poor little Suzy about to die from:

ā€œn o uā€

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u likkle yute!

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Jamaican slang for youth,young person or child.

she have a yute fi me.

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