Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nationstates?

An online politics game made by Max Barry inspired by his own novel Jennifer Government. It is very fun if you are interested in politics. The main thing you would do is solve issues.

Dialog 1
Me: NationStates is a really fun game!
Friend: No! Roblox is more!
Me: Sh** up!

Dialog 2
Friend: Oh no my nationstates country ceased to exist!
Me:Simply Log In to restore it!

👍25 👎11

Nationstates - meme gif

Nationstates meme gif

Nationstates - video


Nationstates - what is it?

A game for when you desperately need something to fill your time. You have the role of president, king or whatever your country uses. You solve issues by accepting one of the multiple answers. You can also dismiss issues. There are also Forums, where people make topics to gather every single bit of info about your nation and your OOC self. Or rip off Eurovision. Or make deep read-only stories. Or do whatever is legal on the site.

Britonisea: Yes! 12 points on WV!
Kid: owo whats this
Britonisea: sum gay contest on NationStates overrun by Indo

👍25 👎11

What does "Nationstates" mean?

A Government Simulation game played by millions of people.

When i played NationStates i simulated a democratic dictatorship

👍27 👎17

Nationstates - what does it mean?

A game you will play for about a week, until you either get incredibly bored by the lack of things to do or you run into a moderator with PMS.

Nationstates is also known for its spam aimed at recruiting people to join stagnant or flash-in-the-pan regions.

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Nationstates - meaning

a webgame notorious for server lag and inexplainable corruption of power by the game administrators and forum moderators

guy "i disagree with your stance, mr. moderator"

mod "deat!11"

👍133 👎187

Nationstates - definition

A very fun and interesting internet game favoured by those of superior intellect. Although it is a game of 'politics' declaring war is strictly forbidden and the moderators have an unfair amount of power to control this in any means possible, though this usually means deleting everyone.

My favourite political game was nationstates...til I got deleted.

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Nationstates - slang

It's an online game which people (myself included) sometimes play when they have no life and take an intense interest in politics.

The Website:

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