Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NOT like other girls?

Someone who thinks they are different from the other girls for and try to put other girls down for male validation. They crave attention and try their best to be โ€œquirkyโ€. They are most likely like every other girl in the world and is basic. They are pick meโ€™s

Absolutely nobody at all:

Iโ€™m not like other girls: im not the rest, I like soy milk instead of the mik all the other girls drink ๐Ÿฅบ

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NOT like other girls - video


NOT like other girls - what is it?

Their opinion about themselves is always wrong.

Girl : Come on, please date me! Iโ€™m not like other girls!

Guy : No.

Girl : LOL, whatever! I didnโ€™t like you anyway!

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What does "NOT like other girls" mean?

You're not quirky get over yourself :)

"I'm not like other girls."

"Yes you are you're a girl."

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NOT like other girls - what does it mean?

When a girl shows off.

"i'M nOt LiKe OtHeR GiRLs"
"Yeah you are like other girls"
"No I'm not!

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NOT like other girls - meaning

A girl who does one or more of the following and says sheโ€™s different because of this
-enjoys eating
-watches Netflix

-doesnโ€™t go to parties
-plays video games
-likes reading (especially horror or mystery)
-doesnโ€™t like skirts or dresses or crop tops
-listens to old music
-listens to Billie eilish
-wears checkered vans
-wears band t shirts
-were only black
-doesnโ€™t wear makeup
-only wears makeup for themself

Girl 1: Is it just me, or am I the only one who actually would rather eat a pizza than go on a diet?
Person 1: literally everyone would rather eat pizza
Girl 1: I guess Iโ€™m not like other girls

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NOT like other girls - definition

if you get called this, and or edgy at the same time, youโ€™re being insulted. basically, youโ€™re a tomboy who eats pizza and likes videogames. you hate pink, hate feminity, and hate blondes. if someone is blonde and likes pink, you automatically think they are stupid and worthless. you suck lmao

Following symptoms-
-Hates makeup
-Darker hair
-Likes video game
-Eats pizza
-Hangs out with โ€œDA BOIS UWUWUWUWUUWUโ€
-Likes sports
-Hates pink

98.7% percent of girls - s a m e

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NOT like other girls - slang

When Tumblr and TikTok sat down one day and decided internalized misogyny was quirky

I'm not like other girls, I eat to survive!1!!!!1!

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NOT like other girls

A phrase girls use to call themselves "cool" and "original" without realizing it makes them the opposite.

Girl One: I'm not like other girls, I listen to Billie Eilish!
Girl Two: Well, I'm not like other girls because I play video games! Basic Bitch!

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NOT like other girls

Girls with internalized misogyny, who try to steer away from femininity as much as possible because that makes them "girly" or "weak". will put down feminine girls to impress men.

"Omg, I'm like really bad at make-up, hahaha, I'm not-like-other-girls."

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NOT like other girls

This is probably the most basic girl ever.

Basically, she thinks she's different because, "eats pizza and gamess1!!!1!! instead of partying LOL"
She does things almost 50% percent of girls do, and acts like she's so weird.
She also thinks if you have big tits and a big booty, you're automatically dumb.
So basically, she's basic (FUNNY PUN LAURA HAHAHAHAH) and she's stereotypical.
Another point is with their love, where do we begin.
They're kinda like the r/NiceGirls because they always go, "OMGGG WHY DO GUYS ALWAYS PICK SL*TS OVER SMART GIRLS THAT ARE ACTUALLY GOOOD??"
But at the end of the day they're somehow the "good guys" because they don't send nudes? Because apparently if you don't play video games, isolate yourself, judge others for their interest, and you won't believe this..EAT, you're sooooo baddd!1!!1!1

Guy : Hi, I'm ______ I think you're really cute, wanna hang out?
Girl : Wha- You- You can't just say that I need you to like UGH! I don't wanna send you nudes! I'm not like other girls!!
Guy, who has heard this 100 times : Yeah, I just nevermind...
Girl : *posts on Instagram 3 hours later* WHY WON'T A GUY GO OUT WITH ME?

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