Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NAMASTE?

The parting words of the clueless New Age trust fund baby.

"Well, I should probably get going." "Ok, then! Namaste!"

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NAMASTE - meme gif

NAMASTE meme gif

NAMASTE - video

NAMASTE - what is it?

a word thrown around by trustifarians and hippies as they shop in whole foods while wearing their eco-green birkenstocks.

Whoa dude, namaste! These organic melons are huge!

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What does "NAMASTE" mean?

A hindu saying meaning "fuck you, I have anxiety".

Namaste, my friend.

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NAMASTE - what does it mean?

Namaste was originally intended as a respectful greeting to God, the Great Guru within. It is often used today as a greeting to other people - either friends or strangers.

Namaskar (and its related street term, skar) is always used in the second sense.

"Namaste, my beloved Guru..."

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NAMASTE - meaning

Originally a respectful greeting from Hindu customs, it is now a pejorative used by English speaking Asians in reference to White backpackers in Southern and South East Asia.

A typical Namaste wears cargo shorts or elephant pants, has several Thai tattoos, yellow fever, and practices Buddhism despite being raised Christian. They usually spend several weeks or a month in Thailand or other parts of Southeast Asia, then return to their country just to criticize all their millennial friends for lacking experience.

"Fon's new boyfriend is a complete Namaste, he's only here to take pictures of himself riding an elephant. 555"
"At least he's not a weeaboo"

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NAMASTE - definition

A really slacker way of saying "Nah, I'm gonna stay".

1: Yo, you gonna come with us to Tony's afterparty?

2: Namaste.

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NAMASTE - slang

เคจเคฎเคธเฅเคคเฅ‡ Sanskrit = i bow you

the term holds no reference to deity or spirit,it is a respectful salutation

encourage all to look it up linguistically

Class began with a bow,hands pressed together at heart center with the synchronous pronunciation of namaste.

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A greeting/saying in hindi which translates to: I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides, I honor the place in you where the ENTIRE universe resides, I honor the place in you of light, of love, of truth, of peace, I honor the place in you where if you and I are in that place then there is only one of us?

(Yeah, that one word means a whole lot, but it's a great saying none the less)

Namaste my friend. Namaste

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an honorable greeting. . . "My spirit honors yours"

Namaste, Brightlight!. . . Namaste, Sunshine!

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an ancient Sanskrit greeting still in everyday use in India and especially on the trail in the Nepal Himalaya. Translated roughly, it means "I bow to the God within you", or "The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you" - a knowing that we are all made from the same One Divine Consciousness.

The more formal greeting Sanskrit Namascar pronounced NAH-mah-scar is also used in India, though less frequently in Nepal. The Hindi "Jai Bhagwan" is also in common use, and carries the same meaning.

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