Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mnn?

Morbius Nut November

"I can't wait for MNN!!"

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Mnn - meme gif

Mnn meme gif

Mnn - video


Mnn - what is it?

Moist News Network (MNN)
A reliable news network that reports good news to brighten your day. Hosted by Charlie and Matt.

A new MNN segment just dropped. Iā€™ll be watching it later.

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What does "Mnn" mean?

A scary being that will haunt your nightmares

Mnn likes to visit your dreams

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Mnn - what does it mean?

Any work place manager who used corrupt methods to disparage co-workers...who thinks "all white people" came on the nina, the pinta and the santa maria...a racist work place manager with little or no talent and a flare to have his work "ghost written" because he can't write. A manager with no high school diploma and a shady crooked past....a Vivaldy.

Vivaldy likes to write up employees with a "2 in 1" strike letters.....the 3rd strike is "Your fired!"

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Mnn - meaning

short for me no know. used by people who don't have an answer but don't want to be mean

guy 1: Is that real?

guy 2:Mnn

guy 1:OK

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Mnn - definition

the harvey milk high school of televison.

a place for drag queens and angry half dykes...

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Mnn - slang

537 W. 59th street. Literally a Shit Hole for Homeless TV junkies from the Addiction Center; run by a staff of overworked, self-loathing, narcissistic, half-gay, imbecilic retards with a little man in Mickey Rat shoes mugging for interviews from The NY Times about how great his crappy socialist TV network is; when it's really an air-conditioned sweatshop with 25 yeard old VHS machines (not industry standard digital video servers) but manual operations of their broadcast by "crack heads and masturbators" with bad audio, bad video, blank srceens, and rotten customer service. And all of this is on NYC Time Warner Cable. A travesty and a sham.

So this guy takes a shit in his pants, and then starts walking around the MNN building....

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