Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mishy?

Cuter than literally everyone ever like nani dafuqq???

damn thats a Mishie.......
yikes too cute for me

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Mishy - meme gif

Mishy meme gif

Mishy - video


Mishy - what is it?

it is the name given to the most beautiful girl in the world, she has an amazing body and an amazing taste in music, she always knows how to cheer people up even when she is in the worst of moods. when in doubt look for a beautiful girl with an amazing body listening to old classics and ask her to cheer you up

wow is that a mishi over there, she looks amazing and i can hear savage garden playing

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What does "Mishy" mean?

Mishi a person fun loving careless and never boring. Always sweet to everyone close.

She is so sweet she must be a Mishi.

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Mishy - what does it mean?

When someone’s mishy it means their musty and fishy 🀒

Ewwww you mishy

Omg dat girl mishy

Bitchhhhh you mishy

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Mishy - meaning

To fail; to fail so hard that words cannot describe the amount of fail achieved.

OMG I just pulled a mishy!

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Mishy - definition

Slang for Michele, a lazy girl.

Mishy type 'ur' again, what a lazy bum!!

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Mishy - slang

is one of the top dogs,

someone who always has your back no matter what.

"my dog taylor, he's such a mishy"

"oh my god did you see mishy punch that guy in the neck because he wouldnt give my phone back?"

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Mushy and horny at the same time.

Mishy examples would be:

"Your eyes stare right down deep into my heart, now put your cock down deep into my ass."


"I love you with every ounce of my soul, will you eat me?"


"I've never felt like this before, for, more to the left."

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The word Mishy means to cause trouble in a residential area

"Me and the boys are gonna do some mishy"

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A girl who's eyes put a spell on every boy's mind. Who's smile can melt a thousand hearts. Who's beauty is more blinding than the sun, yet it falls into nothingness compared to the beauty of her personality. So much kindness to give, so much love to share. Funny but all so serious. So strong, yet so fragile and sensitive. Like a flower so delicate, but only he who knows how to handle it with care can do its true beauty justice..

"That hot chick is a total Mishy"
" I love my girlfriend. She's such a mishy"

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