Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mes?


not me

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Mes - meme gif

Mes meme gif

Mes - video


Mes - what is it?

Somebody you do not want to meet.

You actually thought it's a good idea to look me up on urban dictionary? Wrong choice.

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What does "Mes" mean?

A failure

Me, not you

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Mes - what does it mean?

I am me.

You are you.
Me is me.
You is you.
We are we.
That's not the case tho.

The point is.
Me=the writer (me)
You=the person reading this right now(you)
so stop looking up "me" when it's all about me!

"I love me"

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Mes - meaning

someone who looks themselves up on Urban Dictionary

1. ME.

2. Me, Myself and I

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Mes - definition

1)Extremely egoist yell
2)The cry of a human-ape hybrid
3)Someone who doesn't care about you

Wizard: Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
Princess: Me too!
Human: Wtf?

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Mes - slang

Someone who's very selfish! They can't take anyone else's feelings in to acount as they are not aware other people have feelings!

Girl 1: Not everythings bout you, ya know
Girl 2: Of course it is, otherwise whats the point taking bout it.
Girl 1: Your so me me me me me!
Girl 2: Point?

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A new word discovered by Lawrence of Arabia. Supposedly the plural of 'me'.

Archaeologist: Love all the mes that are me

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(meez) The plural form of me. Often used for someone who has multiple personalities or pretends to.

1: Mes going to the grocery store.
2: Speak right, it's "Me"
1: No, there's two of me, thus "Mes"

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Someone who’s good looking and great

A: look at him, I really like him
B: I know, he’s such a mes

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