Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mennie?

someone who is being mean

ur gay

stop it u mennie bennie box

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Mennie - meme gif

Mennie meme gif

Mennie - video


Mennie - what is it?

Indie Mennie Is a fabulous friend who makes people happy when she smiles! She has a wonderful famalam and she is VERY beautiful! *Fist bump* And She is PEAK!!!

Love you Indie Mennie and remember to smile! :D xoxooxoxoxox

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What does "Mennie" mean?

A nob head sucked in by a chick who’s smashed all his mates and can’t stop smashing her. Will end up dating her. Also has a shit car and blew the head gasket.

He must be a mennies!

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Mennie - what does it mean?

Mental breakdown

I had a menny benny

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Mennie - meaning

Mennie is a unique person, there are not many like him. What makes him unique is his loyalty and honesty against others

Unique person, with a loyal heart, named Mennie

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Mennie - definition

A good looking guy, cares for others, and is just overall cool and a chiller

I wish I was a Menny.

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Mennie - slang

1) To be associated with or concerning all types of MEN

2) To seem as if one loves men, to be gay

1) I woke up thinking menny thoughts

2) That was a menny night last night

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