Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mental breakdown?

A situation where a mental breakdown occurs: (part one)

When your dad spills coffee over your very important papers, you have to turn into your teachers - even when you told him to be careful.

This just happened and after he went out, I cried and now I'm stress eating. I've already eaten two packages of noodles, lots of bread and two big (ass) cookies and now I'm heading for the third one.

to have a mental breakdown:

itmight silence you and when someone say too much, you just can't hold it in anymore and you might snap (not meaning to).

Everybody, please forgive the person, they're just having a hard time:(

(if you see somebody crying in the club, please slide a big ass chocolate cookie their way - no explaining needed)

your teacher just yelled at you. they yelled something disrespectful. and it's your favorite teacher.

CURRENT mission: head to the bathroom and when you've locked the door. go ahead and cry

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Mental breakdown - video


Mental breakdown - what is it?

When youre writing an essay and just start crying because youre so stressed..

im currently supposed to be writing an essay right now but im doing this because im having a mental breakdown :)

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What does "Mental breakdown" mean?

when you realize mike wazowski nodding would be the same as him twerking

"bro im watching monsters inc. and just had an absolut fucking mental breakdown

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Mental breakdown - what does it mean?

When somebody is overwhelmed with emotions, to the point where they go crazy

BBH had a mental breakdown after Skeppy annoyed him with "14" memes

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Mental breakdown - meaning

The state of having being overwhelmed by some sort of past hurt or pain...crying for a persistently long time.

Susan suffered from a mental breakdown after her mother passed away.

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Mental breakdown - definition

what I'm having right now

hey guess what
I'm having a mental breakdown lol

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Mental breakdown - slang

Going through your one direction phase again and crying yourself to sleep every night because Louis Tomlinson is just so perfect (same as Harry)

I am having a mental breakdown because Liam is giving us the tea β˜•οΈ

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Mental breakdown

December 10th is the national mental breakdown check day for anyone who has mental breakdowns and what’s to show it on a day.

Bella: hey Charlotte why have you said ur having a mental break down today

Charlotte: bc it’s National mental breakdown check day

Bella: ohhhhhhh

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Mental breakdown

Usually occurs at night or during math class, when you suddenly burst into tears due to immense pressure or stress. May also be caused by being overwhelmed.

A mental breakdown may cause you to be a real jerk to your friends during one
They can last from 2 minutes all the way up to a couple of hours

Sam takes the IBDP (schooling system) and therefore has at least 2 mental breakdowns a night

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Mental breakdown

When life hits you like a truck

I regularly have mental breakdowns.

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