Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mcguinness?

Gay Pirate

Russell McGuinness is a gay pirate

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Mcguinness - meme gif

Mcguinness meme gif

Mcguinness - video


Mcguinness - what is it?

Sorcha is the littest chickest chica you will meet. She always has perfectly straight or perfectly curly hair. Her glasses are not really strong so anyone can wear them! Her hot brother is named after an Irish God - he is an Irish God. She does yoga on saturdays at 11:05 and its frickin' awesome. Sorcha is literally soooooo incredible and she likes chocolate. Also she knows how to make some bomb porridge and hot waterbottles. Her fiddle is a pretty sweet tune and her boyfriends are pretty sweet too. That's right she's a playa' she's pretty cool. She does pretty gucci in school and she knows everybody who is anybody. If you don't have a Socha Mcguinness in your life I highly recommend you get yourself one. She pretty cool.

Dang, have you met Sorcha Mcguinness? No? That sucks.
Wow she's pretty fly, must be a Sorcha Mcguinness.

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What does "Mcguinness" mean?

A man built like a fucking mop.

*points at a mop* Lliam McGuinness

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Mcguinness - what does it mean?

A brilliant British comedian who co-wrote and appeared in Max and Paddy's Road to Nowhere and also had starring roles in Phoenix Nights and That Peter Kay Thing.

"Is he chinese?" "No I only had' yellow crayon"

"And I'll do your dentist a favour and knock them bastards out"

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Mcguinness - meaning

The breeding grounds of flaming homosexuals. The common strong hold for private school gays.

Hey, I heard you were transferring schools to Bishop McGuinness, does this mean you are coming out of the closet?

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Mcguinness - definition

Lumbering, big-nosed dignity-phobe. Tells lies and has scabby hands.

McGuinness looked in the mirror and thought "who is that lumbering, big-nosed dignity-phobe. And what's with those diseased hands?"

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Mcguinness - slang

A term derived originating from McGeiver, which was then associated to a one McGruber during the superbowl 2009 Pepsi Cola Commercials in which "McGruber" instead of pulling a McGeiver fails to do so and instead drinks a pepsi Cola. The term was then modified to better suit a more talented individual.

1."I need a credit card, a smoke, and a pen...McGuinness are you buying a bottle of Moet? MCGUINNESS!!!"

2."I need a beard, a paperclip, and Jorge...McGuinness are you trying to get kirk out of his exam? MCGUINNESS!!!"

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The exceptionally dark, messy, creamy gastric result of eating a Big Mac "meal" and drinking Guinness until you pass out.

Can be used as a noun or verb.

Stop here at this gas station and let me McGuinness their toilet.

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A terrible group of people usually formed together to cause havoc among others. The leader of the group doesn’t know what he is doing. Very confused

Hey look there is the McGuines group let’s go in the opposite direction as them

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Surname of the family originally known as MacAonghusa. It is written that they descendeded from Saran, chief of the Dal Araidhe. They would be a part of the Ui Eathach Cobha in what is now County Down and ultimately ruled as the lords/chiefs (both prominently and intermittently) of Iveagh in Rathfairland until the mid to late 17th century. They also held Castle Dundrum from the late fourteenth century until 1601, and for a brief stint from 1642 to the late 1640's.

Some famous McGuinness people include John Martin McGuinness (Irish Republican politician), Deborah Louise McGuinness (co-director and senior research scientist at the Knowledge Systems Laboratory at Stanford University), Ed McGuinness (comic book artist), and John McGuinness (professional motorcycle racer).

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