Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mansell's?

The generic title of something or someone that has a large amount of Class - A drugs stuffed inside their anus.

If anybody is concerned how so much contraband is getting past security, remember that Mansell is plugged.

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Mansell's - meme gif

Mansell's meme gif

Mansell's - video


Mansell's - what is it?

a virgin who cant say hi to a girl.

Guy 1: Wow look at Nicole, She is so hot!
Guy 2: Man, i wish i could say hi to her if weren't such a mansell.

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What does "Mansell's" mean?

When an otherwise fully capable man acts like he's in distress, and instead of being self-reliant about it, he chooses to act like a woman that needs rescuing from other able-bodied and capable men.

Look at the fully grown man standing in his wife's robe and bunny slippers, sipping his coffee, and fixing his hair, while that other hard-working guy mows his lawn.

Damn, he sure looks like a 'mansel in distress' to me.

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Mansell's - what does it mean?

A guy who needs rescuing.

"My boyfriend was sick this weekend and stayed in bed. He's such a Mansel-in-Distress sometimes, but it's sweet."

distress damsel mansel

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Mansell's - meaning

An AMAZING composer. He has written scores such as Lux Aeterna (used in the movies Requiem for a Dream, Lord of the Rings, etc.), The Last Man, and Dead Reckoning. He occasionally works with the Kronos Quartet. He also works with Darren Aronofsky (the director of Requiem for a Dream and did the music for his latest movie, The Fountain.

Steve: I saw Requiem for a Dream last night, and the music was amazing!

Tod: Well, no wonder...Clint Mansell did it.

Steve: That guy who works with the Kronos Quartet?

Tod: Yeah, his myspace is You should check him out!

Steve: Cool!

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Mansell's - definition

The name of a really weird but hot, horny, sexual girl.

Damn Mansell nice ass you got there.

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Mansell's - slang

An incredibly kind, nice guy who will always listen and be there whenever he is need.
He is a great boyfriend who looks out for his girlfriend

omg Lucy's boyfriends is so a mansel, she is so lucky.

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The male equivalent of a damsel.

He's such a mansel in distress!

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Mansel. The masculine version of a damsel.

"Oh noes, Jillian! Look up in that tower! It be a mansel in distress!"

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A sexual position, a 69 with the man on top.

I was manselling the hell out of her, my balls were slapping against her nose.

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