Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Make like?

when two people have sex multiple times in one night. usually in rapid succession.

Jenny and Frank haven't seen each other in weeks, so when they finally get together tonight, we KNOW they will be making like rabbits.

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Make like - video


Make like - what is it?

When you dip out of something.

"Let make like chips"

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What does "Make like" mean?

To quickly disappear; associated and related to the word split

evanesce | split | Disappear

Somebody's coming! We better make like a banana.

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Make like - what does it mean?

Its means leave, like leaf (its a bad pun)

Let's make like a tree and get the fuck outta here

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Make like - meaning

to leave. A pun on the word leaf . make like a tree- trees make leafs.

Biff- You should make like a tree and get out of here.
John- Its make like a tree and leave. youre spoiling the joke!

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Make like - definition

And fuck off

Hey Tom, Make like a tree and fuck off.

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Make like - slang

To imitate, act as if something

He was so fed up with that traffic light, that I though he would make like a goose.

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Make like

When you love someone, sex is called β€œmaking love”
When you don’t love someone, sex is called β€œmaking like”

I was making like to this girl last night for a whole 3 minutes. I was so exhausted afterwards.

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Make like

When you are in love, you β€œmake love”

When you aren’t in love, you β€œmake like”

I’m going to go over to my lady friend’s place tonight and make like.

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Make like

a) To pretend.
b) To refer to someone that is pretending/acting not like themselves.

a) "Eww, you MAKE LIKE you know what's going on yeah?!"
b) "She so MAKE LIKE!"

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