Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Madz?

A Street Madz is a certain kind of dude, wearing headphones, drinking, smoking and slapping people with keys. A Street Madz is always a sleep and listen to Akon 24-7. Some Street Madz' gets high and others just use all their money og Coca-Cola. How do you know if you are familiar with a Street Madz? If you yell out Street MAAAAAAAAADZ with a little vinyl scratch at the end and he gets pissed and start rapping akon lyrics you got yourself a street Madz Also just called Streeten. Street Madz can also be danish rappers and white homies

Homie1: Damn man there goes that n***a Street Madz
Homie2: Ay Yo Streeeeeeeeet Maaaaaaaaaaaadz!
Homie1: Street Madz is going to slap you around with his keys.
Homie2: I dont care, St-st-st-s-s-streeeeeeeeet Madz!

👍31 👎13

Madz - meme gif

Madz meme gif

Madz - video


Madz - what is it?

A Street Madz is a certain kind of dude, wearing headphones, drinking, smoking and slapping people with keys. A Street Madz is always a sleep and listen to Akon 24-7. Some Street Madz' gets high and others just use all their money og Coca-Cola. How do you know if you are familiar with a Street Madz? If you yell out Street MAAAAAAAAADZ with a little vinyl scratch at the end and he gets pissed and start rapping akon lyrics you got yourself a street Madz Also just called Streeten. Street Madz can also be danish rappers and white homies

Homie1: Damn man there goes that n***a Street Madz
Homie2: Ay Yo Streeeeeeeeet Maaaaaaaaaaaadz!
Homie1: Street Madz is going to slap you around with his keys.
Homie2: I dont care, St-st-st-s-s-streeeeeeeee t Madz!

👍35 👎13

What does "Madz" mean?

meening alot or extremely

I'm madz tired today dawg

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Madz - what does it mean?

MADZ is an amazing,funny,beautiful person! Who apparently has the spirit animal of an owl and is always in a silly goofy mood

MADZ is a very goofy goofball

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Madz - meaning

If you have to ask, you can't handle it.

It was chilly madz out.

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Madz - definition

A new and derived way of describing a hectic weekend of excessive drinking and partying.

that weekend was such madzness

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Madz - slang

Madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz

Madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz madz

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A sick kid with a big forehead, nice enough i guess.

What about madz's dogs, fluffer and farter!?

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The most legendary force on internet chatrooms, as well as the most popular person on the internet, far surpassing the drawing power of tubgirl. She can be found on reddit drunk chats, sporting her sexy bangs and red lipstick. One should note that upon encountering a person with awesomeness of this magnitude to remember that Madz is the coolest bitch he or she will ever meet.

I met Madz on a Reddit chat, I think I'm in love.

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A strange yet inticingly hot chick who constentlty breaks the rules just for the hell of it. a girl who can back flip off trees and writes beautiful poetry while remaining mysterious and sexy.

"dude. that is the hotest chick i've ever seen!"
"of course. She's Madz."

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