Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Reddit?

Reddit, once the greatest site on the internet from 2005-2014 has turned into the worst place on the internet for free speech and entertainment.99% of modern-day Redditors are edgy twelve-year-old kids who circlejerk the same joke and sending death threats to nine-year-old kids because they like Fortnite and tik tok. All Redditors think the same and have the same opinions. Redditors portray themselves as accepting of free speech but as soon as you have a different opinion you’re mass downvoted by the edgy memelords and forty-year-old neckbeards.

Redditor: Big changes wholesome 100, Fortnite bad Minecraft good, I think I need to define why emojis are cringe and normie.

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Reddit - meme gif

Reddit meme gif

Reddit - video

Reddit - what is it?

Similar to 4chan, though with more control over what you see with the use of subreddits you join. Has a system that allows you to see only the best content through upvoting the good and downvoting the bad.

Similarly to Communism, it sounds good on paper but terrible in practice.

The upvote and subreddit systems cause circlejerking due to you being in a community designed for an opinion, removing proper arguments between two sides and instead causes people to jerk eachother of separately.

At least the comment system is good though

Subreddit A: Wow I sure do like the colour red

Subreddit B: Well I like the colour blue more, making you wrong

Subreddit A: This means war!

*Both subreddits keep talking shit about the other and calling themselves right without have a proper argument*

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What does "Reddit" mean?

The scum and grease of any given social media site will eventually funnel its way into a subreddit. Reddit is a popular social media site characterized by its user base, a load of fat morons who scroll through r/dankmemes, start flame wars, and gorge themselves on pizza rolls.
Reddit users boast about the amount of karma they have: worthless internet points based off comments, posts, and likes (known as upvotes.) They will incessantly make fun of users who haven’t acquired ridiculous masses of karma, bragging about how they spend 25 hours a day doing nothing but upvoting posts to feel validation from the unfeeling code that displays all the karma they have generated.
Reddit occasionally contains the helpful post. However, further investigation of said helpful Reddit post will disappoint you. Every fucking time there’s an argument in the comments.
If you’ve ever engaged in a Reddit flame war, you know what it’s like. Bickering, whining, and insults back and forth all day and all night. Make sure β€œyou’re” grammar is on par with Robert Frost, or β€œyour” going to find your head rolling across the floor, sliced clean off by a neckbeard and the D&D sword he probably can’t use. Any argument, and I mean the most water tight, bulletproof shit can and will be shot down if you so much as misspell a single word.
Reddit has no other demographic than the morbidly obese manchild who lives down the street.
Reddit is the least fun place on the internet.

Redditor: I spent 7 hours on the toilet yesterday browsing r/irony and r/dankmemes!!!!!
Doctor Penis: That’s wonderful. Go to sleep now it’s time for your gastric bypass. Maybe you’ll drop a couple hundred pounds.

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Reddit - what does it mean?

A place with very little freedom of speech and sympathy for the average user of it.

Guy #1: I got banned from Reddit for posting a picture of my dog on the wrong subreddit.
Guy #2: That's just Reddit for ya.

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Reddit - meaning

It's unsocial media for porn and memes.

Person 1: I have 1k likes on my instagram story
Person 2: I have 10k upvote's 3 Reddit followers and depression.

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Reddit - definition

a place that post screenshots of definitions from here

haha look at this funny urban dictionary screenshot on Reddit

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Reddit - slang

Content for popular YouTubers that are running out of ideas.

Reddit = Mini Ladd’s content.

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Reddit is the biggest circlejerk there is. People with like-minded opinions enter subreddits and circlejerk each other to death

Dude, get off that circlejerk of a website Reddit and get a life

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A website where all the bullied kids of their generation can unite in bullying others.

I was teased by an InstaThot in middle school. Reddit is now my favorite place on the internet to hate on instagram normies.

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A social media app for people who think they are too good for social media.

I'm looking at memes on Reddit, on the toilet.

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