Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Macas?

Very cool maca paca that gets abused in lessons : ( wee woo wee

Jasmine maca paca girl cool yay

👍25 👎11

Macas - meme gif

Macas meme gif

Macas - video


Macas - what is it?

Sinonym of the Donkey punch.

Da bitch told me to put on a condom so i maca punched her.

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What does "Macas" mean?

A girl that has been through a lot, she tries to help everybody around her and her surroundings give her strength. Her social life is deprived of her being strong when she doesn't even notice that she is, it is depended on her ability to get back up when she has fallen from a plight. A girl that can smile in the face of danger, tease, pinch a boy in the arm, a girl that can be loved no matter what flaws she has. A lovable female that is respected by everyone in her life because of her honesty, she is destined to do great things.

clothed strength dignity adaptation faithed destined beautiful lovable inspiring that's my maca chodoh right there, maca ? ohhh maca .

👍27 👎11

Macas - what does it mean?

Direct: Spanish for 'cock sucker'; one who sucks penis. Indirect: 'Dude' as in bastard, fucker, nigga.

Origin: Dominican Republic

Que jodon es este maca sable.

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Macas - meaning

Typically something huge in size (in a bad way)
Can be linked to being slow and funny to look at.

In celtic tradition it is known for deceiving anything that crosses its path.

OH NO STOP! There's a maca over there be careful.

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Macas - definition

crap, shit.

Chat bare maca you. meaning chat bare shit/crap you.

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Macas - slang

Acronym for ‘Make America Christian Again,’ Mike Pence’s response to MAGA, better known as ‘Make America Gag Again.’

Mike showed up grinning from ear to ear modeling his MACA cap and carrying a huge box of ‘I Like Mike’ lapel buttons for his supporters, thinking that the familiarity of these slogans will endear him to voters and make him electable.

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One who has an infinite amount of niceness.

You are such a maca.

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a word or statement that is expressed at a time when one is lost for words in a bored way. after a conversation has dragged on for a while a person might type "macas" if thy have nothing else to say. only cool, sexy, or popular people say macas.

Fernando-"haha yeah"
Ezmeralda- "haha"
Fernando- "macas"
Ezmeralda-"so want to hangout tonight?!"

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This is the Chinese version of a roadman or chav they walk round carrying toy guns and smoke plant plots

Oi Li lad innit you are such a Macas

You think your a proper macas

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