Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MacLeod?

A very long elongated alien looking dude, smells like rotten cat piss and is not living to the age of 25 (someone will kill him)

God homeneega that Noah MacLeod mafucka stinks like rabbit ass

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MacLeod - meme gif

MacLeod meme gif

MacLeod - video


MacLeod - what is it?

The guy who invented internet background music.

Someone : watching a youtube video
Nerd : Kevin Macleod Made That song πŸ€“πŸ€“

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What does "MacLeod" mean?

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services/Minister Responsible for Women's Issues.

Self righteous ass who always thinks she's right and a victim of society, a Progressive Conservative, a Politician who always has her nose up Doug Fords ass and runs from Autism parents.

I told my bf I was pregnant, and he bolted faster than lisa MacLeod

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MacLeod - what does it mean?

the guy who made all that amazing background music that all the popular youtubers use

Jim: Kevin macleod made all that awesome music, did u know that?
Mike: Shut the f*** up, I'm playing minecraft

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MacLeod - meaning

A baby-faced boy who is skinny and tanned. Blythe lusts for him, but she doesn't admit it. He is really innocent and the merest mention of anything sexual causes him to blush like crazy. But the girls and gay boys think it's quite cute.

"Macleod is so innocent!"

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MacLeod - definition

An incestual family name

If your family name is Macleod you’re probably inbred

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MacLeod - slang

Term of violence when one male punches the other in a lash of anger...

Marc: did you see that?
Paul: no what happend

Marc: big aido gave Jamie the eld Macleod, knock'd him clean out

Paul: :o I'll take him lol jk

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The biggest badass in human history, Immortal Scottish warrior who chops off the heads of his enemies in order to add their power to his own, eventually releasing The Quickening, also was trained by Sean Connery

man1- Did you see what was going on on top of Silvercup Stadium last night?

man 2- yeah, looks like Macleod is at it again

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VERB: To delete a witty or offensive Facebook post out of fear of being seen as the witty or offensive jackass that you have actually become.

Person: Hey Monique, did you see that comment that Alex made on your status?

Monique: No I didnt, he must have gone an "MacLeod'ed" the comment before I could read it. What a pussy.

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4th Lt. C. MacLeod was a former, U.S. Navy SEAL and special warfare operator BUDS dropout. 4th Lt. MacLeod claims to have fired the shot that killed Osama bin Laden during Kitchen Patrol duty while serving aboard the HMS Bounty. 4th Lt. MacLeod later went on to lead a mutiny aboard the HMS Bounty due to the poor ratings he received from his commander, Major Pritzker. Disgruntled HMS Bounty crewmen, led by 4th Lt. MacLeod, seized control of the ship and set Major Pritzker and 4 loyalists adrift in the ship's open launch. The mutineers later settled in Baltimore, and went on to lead mediocre lives as marginal government employees.

The legend of C. MacLeod is a lesson in the failures of leadership.

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