Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MY Life?

A scary movie

My Life is scary because you never know what is coming and it’s going to be a mystery

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MY Life - video


MY Life - what is it?

That is the question you will ask everyday but get no answer till your days are done.

Why am I here? Don't ask just live My Life

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What does "MY Life" mean?

Something you say to someone when they tell you something that doesn't happen to you or didn't happen to you

Friend: "I just lost my blackberry!"
You: "Not my life"

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MY Life - what does it mean?

A phrase that emphasizes that one is speaking very truthfully or stating a fact in which he truly believes. Literally means that the person would bet his life on the validity of the statement.

"Gotta keep ya cash coming and that's on my life." -Ja Rule, "Wonderful"

"Suge Knight's a bitch, and that's on my life." -Snoop Dogg, "Pimp Slap'd"

"I pissed on your 12-year-old daughter last night, and that's on my life." -R. Kelly, "Your Daughter Drank My Piss"

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MY Life - meaning

A wonderful, touching song by The Beatles. And it has a kick-ass piano solo. Written by Lennon/McCartney, sung by Lennon.

And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life, I love you more.

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MY Life - definition

A day in hell were i work my butt off all day only to get an hour to do what i wanna do. (a.k.a misery)

my life is BS

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MY Life - slang

A very long hell

My life sucks

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MY Life

Something that has no meaning and is full of failure and depression.

My life sucks.

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MY Life

A joke


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MY Life

This is what you say after something bad happens to you.

1. Tripping and falling on the ground - you say "my life my life"
2. Your girlfriend breaks up with you
3. You get hit by a bus
4. You accidently cut yourself
5. You cant think of any more examples for something

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