Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MY Favorite?

The person u think of 25/8, and you love to hang out with. Also u hang with them and talk bad about ur ex together

George: Do you know Danny

Michael: Yeah he’s my favorite person, we talk bad about my ex.

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MY Favorite - video


MY Favorite - what is it?

Payments talk for you are bloody average but it feels like you need a pep talk today

You are my favorite agent,
All my favorites are working tonight

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What does "MY Favorite" mean?

My Favorite Year is an amazing musical. Taking place in 1954, it discovers the passion and ambition of a young freshman writer on the famous television show, King Kaiser's Comedy Cavalcade. Benjy Stone struggles with love issues, a drunk actor (his childhood hero- Alan Swann), and a very unhappy boss. This show will have you laughing 'til you fall off your seat, and wipeing your tears. A passionate, heartfelt comedy, My Favorite Year is a great show, with fabulous music, and some incredible dance numbers. Great for Highschool Productions, or professional theatres! For other great highschool and/or professional musicals see also Footloose, Gypsy

"The door was closed and it stayed closed. Alan Swann never opened it, he walked through that door" <br>
"Wearing a DUCK?!?!?!?"

"The duck says, 'Yeah, get this guy off my ass!

"Or maybe I remember it EXACTLY THE WAY IT WAS!"

"It would have to be one hell of a year, for some other year, to ever come near, that frantic, impossible, painfully near to me, year, My Favorite Year!"

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MY Favorite - what does it mean?

An anomalously broadcasted television show consisting of a physical manifestation of a plastic Mario Bros. toy of Luigi and a strip of Scotch brand tape. The show typically airs unprompted on CRT televisions and evokes a state in viewers comparable to hypnosis or hyper fixation.

"Uh, dude. Are you okay?"

"Shh! Be quiet, my favorite show is on!"
*continues to stare at television*

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MY Favorite - meaning

the worst movie ever made after RHPS

zoot: Heeeey aren't you one of the spice goils?!

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MY Favorite - definition


(Also known as My Favourite Number)

My Favorite Number… 69!

β€” some random McDonald’s waiter

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MY Favorite - slang

An amazing unsigned pop/rock band from Fairfax, Va. Members are Dave and Will Cook, Pat Jenkins, and Bobby Morgenthaler.

I went to see My Favorite Highway last month and they stole the show.

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MY Favorite

you are the person who i care about the most, who i love to be with and talk to, the person who makes me smile, and you are mine

aw, baby, you're my favorite

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MY Favorite

A podcast featuring Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark, 2 true crime fanatics, who discuss their favorite murders in a comedy fashion.

Do you listen to My Favorite Murder

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MY Favorite

You <3

"You're my favorite."

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