Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MIXER?

A person who love and supports Little Mix (ot4) at all costs

Mixers will forever love and support Little Mix:)

👍33 👎13

MIXER - meme gif

MIXER meme gif

MIXER - video


MIXER - what is it?

a good one consists of about 2000 teenagers crammed into a gym, very loud music, crazy dancing, usually lots of grinding, very hot and sweaty, and girls wearing almost nothing accept a sports bra and spandex

hey! did u go to the mixer last weekend??!!" ..... "yea! it was so crazy!! O_o

👍173 👎127

What does "MIXER" mean?

Microsoft's pathetic attempt at a streaming site. People who failed on Twitch moved here. They claim it's to start "fresh" but we know that's not true. They're also known to pay people from Twitch to come over. Like Renee (lolrenaynay) one of the biggest names. Sure, it has zero latency but that's because only "1 million" people use it everyday.

Bob: Hey Carl have you checked out Mixer?

Carl: Hell no! That garbage site that trying to be Twitch? Forget that. The only losers who uses this site is people who failed on Twitch or was paid from Microsoft.

Bob: Good point!

👍41 👎15

MIXER - what does it mean?

An electronic console normally used for switching between and/or combining audio from two turntables. Controls typically at least consist of: one cross fader for switching between and combining tracks, two up faders which control the volume levels of the seperate audio feeds, multiple equilizers on seperate channels for limiting the amount of bass, mid-range, and treble in the output, and a master volume control for limiting the mixer output. Mixers have been in use for decades and have become an essential part of DJing.

Yo, that the new Vestax scratch mixer?

👍211 👎103

MIXER - meaning

Twitch but with actual rules.

Ninja moves to Mixer because Twitch sucks.

👍99 👎39

MIXER - definition

that on streaming platform that no one uses unless you are on xbox.

friend: what do you steam on cause on PC i stream on twitch
me: oh i stream on mixer
friend: oh will that must suck

👍75 👎23

MIXER - slang

a form of liquid meant to be mixed with alchohol like whikey or some other liquors

"where is the mixer for my J.D?"

👍399 👎147


A party where a fraternity and a sororty get together to drink and socialize. Often held at the fraternity or at their annex.

I went to our mixer with X last night, and it rocked.

👍959 👎361


A Mixer is a person,any gender,who listens to and adores the famous girlband Little Mix.Mixers are often crazy about the girls,they have their albums,photos,posters,drawings and some even fanfiction.Mixers tend to defend their favorite band and will often fight for their idols' sake.

1:Do you listen to Little Mix?

2:Omg,yes!I am such a huge Mixer!

👍353 👎119


A mixer is a casual party where people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity, which means a lot of girls

"We might have a mixer next weekend as well, but if we don't, we will definitely have a mixer the weekend after that"

👍499 👎117