Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ME like?

when that booty has you like: DAMN!

*hott chick walks by*
guy 1: damn booty had me like…

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ME like - video


ME like - what is it?

when lesbians perform the act of cunnilingus

Damn, she was wearing me like a necklace last night

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What does "ME like" mean?

To complain to someone that is doing something of a negative nature toward you.

You can also replace 'me' with other things. Such as him, her, it, them etc.

Ex: Bobby; "Man, Mr. Smith, how did I miss this problem, but Lonnie got the same answer right?"

Lonnie; "Don't do me like that"

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ME like - what does it mean?

A nifty phrase you can drop in the workplace that is sure to offend the ultra tight-ass crowd who have difficulty with crude references to body parts or sex.

Why of course it was entirely impulsive, inappropriate and sadly unprofessional for me to state, β€œwell they can blow me like a trumpet!” - I should have better assessed my audience!

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ME like - meaning

To have in ones possession a 9mm pistol at all times.

Friend 1: Bro this place is kinda dangerous, what if we get robbed?
Friend 2: Don't sweat it bro, every city is dangerous when I'm in it, I keep that Nina with me like a Guard!

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ME like - definition

To stay strapped with the heater at all times.

Friend: what’s that bulge in your shirt??

Doug: bro I keep that Nina with me like a guard!

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ME like - slang

What someone says when they want free likes and for some reason everyone gives them like. Mainly for tiktok clout.

Tiktok Exmple:

Random Comment: Look at my name (Name: give me like)

Me: Uh

YouTube Example:
Random Comment:
I really miss *dead person name*

Like if you agree

Me: Now that's just immoral, using a dead person for likes on a comment. *gives dislike*

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ME like

me like ravioli is when someone sharts while eating pasta

person 1: "me like ravioli"
person 2: "what"
person 1: " i sharted"
person 2: "o ok"

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ME like

to treat in such a manner

Ah hell nah! You goin do me like that.

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ME like

me like is basically a form of identification. you're out drinking beer? you're you like (me like). you're dealing drugs? you don't need to say you're a plug, just say you're you like (me like). don't know how to identify or describe yourself? it really don't matter, because you're you like (me like)

Person 1: Wow, you're a really bad person
Person 2: Naah, I'm just me like

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