Definder - what does the word mean?


A fictional character created by Al Gore in an episode of southpark. Gore creates manbearpig to get attention, and then later claims to kill him, thus making him the savior of southpark. Nobody cares.

"manbearpig is coming, and i am SUPER CEREAL"
-Al Gore

👍1129 👎1235

MANBEARPIG - meme gif




MANBEARPIG - what is it?

A figment of Al Gore's mathematically impaired creativity. Al Gore obviously did not pass high school mathematics.

half man + half bear + half pig = the mathematical monstrousity that is manbearpig

👍1193 👎1287

What does "MANBEARPIG" mean?

1/2 man 1/2 bear 1/2 pig

al gore: hi, im al gore and i'm here to raise awareness of manbearpig

👍1397 👎1505

MANBEARPIG - what does it mean?

According to Al Gore, the end of all humankind as we know it.

It's ManBearPig, not PigBearMan.

👍1713 👎1817

MANBEARPIG - meaning

the single biggest threat to our planet. something out there which threatens our very existence and may be the end to the human race as we know it. i'm talking of course, about... "manbearpig." it is a creature which roams the earth alone. it is half man, half bear, and half pig! some people say that manbearpig isn't real. well, i'm here to tell you now, manbearpig is very real, and he most certainly exists! i'm cereal... manbearpig doesn't care who you are or what you've done. manbearpig simply wants to get you! i'm super cereal...

manbearpig is Al Gore's way of getting friends because he doesn't have any.


👍8539 👎9259

MANBEARPIG - definition

someone who doesn't know how to brush their hair, teeth, nor how to shower. This person has very bad body oder and large front teeth. They also wear clothes that are too small for them. Aka: MBP

ALD looks like a manbearpig because she doesn't know what good hygiene is.

👍1145 👎397


Another name for a beast known to live in a basement on Downer Street in Milwuakee, WI. This alleged creature is known to be quite the anti-social creature. He usually will not convene in places consisting of more than three or four other humans. Known to have a ravenous appetite consisting of McDonalds and Burger King. Also, the creature is not know to be smooth in interactions with other people. Most interpersonal reactions with this creature end up with one or both parties being embarrassed. Many speculate that Manbearpigs utterly horrifying appearance resulted from his mother getting pregnant via the water wheel (see definition) and then doing copious amounts of heroin while pregnant. If you see Manbearpig, avoid at all costs. He is known to be a compulsive liar.

I tried to talk Manbearpig into going to a party, but because a large number of people were there, he declined, stating that he would rather masturbate alone all night.

👍1251 👎413


A fat, hairy man who looks like some kind of disgusting beast from South Park that is half man, half bear, half pig.

My ex boyfriend.

"Fuck, I can't believe I banged manbearpig!"

👍887 👎235


From an episode of South Park featuring Al Gore. In the episode Gore is depicted as a paranoid guy who believes in a non-existent monster--"Manbearpig"--that is part man, part bear, and part pig. He believes the Manbearpig is a great threat.

South Park's creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, don't believe in global warming and the episode "Manbearpig" is their way of saying that when Al Gore talks about the dangers of global warming he is getting all worked up over something that doesn't even exist.

"The South Park guys think that global warming is a myth just like the Manbearpig, even though there's tons of evidence that it's happening, and they make fun of Gore for worrying about it."

👍5601 👎1457


When you can't actually argue with someone based on facts so you just make fun of them instead.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone are too stupid to actually argue global warming based on science, so they decided to manbearpig Al Gore.

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