Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lubbers?

Those who arn't pirates and live on the land. Arghh!

Avast, ye land lubbers! We come to pillage your town, drink your rum, and chase your women!

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Lubbers - meme gif

Lubbers meme gif

Lubbers - video


Lubbers - what is it?

Lubber Dubber - The etymology of the word derives from the Ancient Scythian demon goddess of stupidity called "Jeanne". In antiquity, "Jeanne" would seduce Scythian tribesmen into the Northern woods, and unleash her powers of "ugly inbred fatass" on them while chanting "Lubber Dubber" which would immediately stupidify their minds. Once the demon goddess Jeanne chanted "Lubber Dubber" on her unsuspecting victims, their ability to think, reason, do science, use logic, was vanquished, and a state of what would be commonly known today as mental retardation. Thus "Lubber Dubber" is a commonly used term that is often interpreted as "I don't use my brain", or "I am a mindless stupid monkey", although those who use the "Lubber Dubber" motif, ought not insult monkeys , as the chimps levels of intelligence, are clearly much higher.

Who is considered the father of the modern scientific method?

"I don't know nuthin about that stuff, LUBBER DUBBER".

Ok, it is considered to be Sir Francis Bacon, but observable scientific practice goes back to Aristotle, and Science in the West, is thought to have generally been derived alongside many conjecture based natural philosophies, from such figures as Thales of Miletus, or Heraclitus of Ephesus, etc. . .

Who is your favorite character in Human History?

"Edward". You mean King Edward??? No, silly Goat Poop Eating Edward, LUBBER DUBBER!!!"

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What does "Lubbers" mean?

The drunken state you find yourself in the day after a night of heavy drinking.

Still a bit drunk and creative.

Im feeling lubber today

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Lubbers - what does it mean?

a very attractice, smart, self sufficient human being. ALso, an enjoyable person to be around, upbeat, enthusastic, and very nice

the lubber walked down the street

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Lubbers - meaning

Pirate speak for "Lover"

Kill the filthy Landlubber!

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Lubbers - definition

Finding the love of your life as well as your best friend and soul mate.

You are the lubber of my life.

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Lubbers - slang

The word lubber is also used for a pre-tense of LOVE. It may be the starting of a relationship that hasn't been annoucned yet which claims themselves, "lubbers".

Quote Yeah but only me and you can be lubbers.
Ben & Layla = Lubbers.

I love my lubber.
Ben & Layla are lubbers. <3

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Short for landlubber, which in turn comes from "land lover."

Insult meaning a bad sailor, most often used by pirates, and can be very offensive to sailors.

Look at that lubber capsize his boat!

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In Engrish, a condom. From the game "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards," in which the Korean storekeeper tended to speak Engrish.

"Pssst. You got... you know, protection?"


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Used in place of love or lurv

I Lubbers that doggy!

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