Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lohaned?

a) Breasts that are enhanced by implants.

b) Breasts that appear to be enhanced by implants.

Popularized in the mid 2000s, when American actress Lindsay Lohan was rumored to have undergone breast augmentation surgery when her bust line suddenly became bigger.

Antonym: Duffs

Check out the Lohans on that chick! Wasn't she an A cup like a week ago?

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Lohaned - meme gif

Lohaned meme gif

Lohaned - video


Lohaned - what is it?

verb, lohan, lo路han路ed, lo路han路ing

- Verb (used with object)
1) to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by subterfuge

- Check out my new bling! I just lohaned this Rollie from my bestie.

- I loaned you my necklace, I didn't lohan it to you.

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What does "Lohaned" mean?

synonomous for "melon"; unbelievably, preposterously large 556 DDD- sized tittays

That girl has large lohans....ALL right....

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Lohaned - what does it mean?

Similar to a Nip Slip; Intentional slutiness;

Check out Paris Hilton's Lohan. What a slut.

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Lohaned - meaning

verb, to experiment with lesbian relationships during your 20s

"I'll admit I did some Lohanning when I was in college."

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Lohaned - definition

A delicate function perfomed by a certified hooker that begins with her giving oral pleasure to a customer while said customer proceeds to pummel her with quick rabbit punches.

"Dude that hook owes me one sweet lohan for that price."

"I can't believe you lohaned your boss!"

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Lohaned - slang

blue ribbon tits, especially large yet still attractive ones.

D: dude, you see them fucking lohans on her?
J: (thumbs up)

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Lohaning is self medicating before an important function

I have my annual review today so I raided my mother's medicine chest, I am now Lohaning before I go in.

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to consume large ammounts of alcohol and drugs, then make your self vomit. aka "pull the trigger"

i was so drunk last night that i pulled a lohan

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The act of banging a girl on all fours. Similar to doggystyle

Damn man I lohaned the shit outta this bitch last night

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