Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Light a candle?

Another phrase for having sexual intercourse.

Person A:"Hey Brenda, wanna light candles?"
Person B:"Fuck yeah!"

👍25 👎11

Light a candle - video


Light a candle - what is it?

Idiom. Used to describe a person's lack of intelligence or inability to perform/achieve a simple task.

Is it any surprise how badly he did? That idiot can't light a birthday candle with a blowtorch.

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What does "Light a candle" mean?

When you're at the crib with your woman and you need to let your homie know that he needs to lay back for a while and stay low.

Don't front bro, I am lighting the candle so you know you gotta stay away until I'm done.

👍25 👎11

Light a candle - what does it mean?

"Lighting the Kwanzaa Candles", especially when paired with a wink or raise of the eyebrows, could mean smoking crack cocaine.

If an african american man (traditionally) were to ask you to help him "Light the Kwanzaa Candles" he will most likely pull out a pipe and crack if you agree

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Light a candle - meaning

see whatever floats your boat

god i love cheese..
whatever lights your candle

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Light a candle - definition

1. can be used instead of rox my sox or floats my boat

Katharine McPhee light my candle

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Light a candle - slang

A song from the musical RENT. The girl Mimi is asking the man Roger to light her candle. She keeps blowing it out so she can stay in his room for longer. Roger knows that Mimi is on drugs, as he recognizes the signs from when he was on drugs. Roger tells Mimi that her smile reminds him of his dead girlfriend. Mimi leaves, then comes back, saying that she dropped her drugs. Mimi bends down to look on the floor, then asks Roger if it's true that she has a nice butt. He is embarrassed, but says that she does. He then finds the drugs on the floor, but doesn't give it to her, instead putting it in is back pocket. Roger runs out of matches, but Mimi says that it's all right, as their eyes will adjust. She then asks Roger to dance, and takes the packet of drugs out of his pocket. She waves it in the air, teasing, then leaves.

Wha'd you forget?
Got a light?
I know you. You're- You're shivering!
It's nothing, they turned off my heat, and I'm just a little weak on my feet. Would you light my candle? What are you staring at?
Nothing. Your hair in the moonlight. You look familiar. Can you make it?
Just haven't eaten much today at least the room stopped spinning. Anyway... What?
Nothing. Your smile reminded me-
I always remind people of- Who is she?
She died. Her name was April.
It's out again. Sorry 'bout your friend. Would you light my candle?
Oh the wax, it's-
Dripping, I like it between my-
Fingers, I figured- Oh well. Good night.

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Light a candle

Smoking a cigarette

Hey Jimmy! Stop that!

What? I'm just lighting a candle.

That can give you lung cancer!

That's exactly what I'm looking for.

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Light a candle

A euphemism for killing somebody. Used by gangs.

Derives from the christian practice of lighting candles at church to pray for somebody when they die.

Party host: "Get out of my house now, Ron!"

Ron: "I'm gonna call my boys from the Latin Kings and they're gonna light a candle for your ass!"

Party host: "You don't even know anybody in the Latin Kings, Ron. They wouldn't stick up for your punk ass."

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Light a candle

A polite way to describe masturbating furiously.

"Hey bro, I'm gonna run home and light the candle right quick..."

"I'm not gonna do much on vacation. Just sit on the beach, light the candle a few times.."

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