Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Licked out?

Another way to say that you're TIRED.

I had a such a long day digging up the garden...I'm licked out!

or just, I'm fucking licked mate!

👍89 👎137

Licked out - video


Licked out - what is it?

it means for a boi to stick there tongue in a gyal vagina 2 give sexual pleasure

i got licked out yesterday it woz nang!

👍379 👎471

What does "Licked out" mean?

v. lick out
to lick out is to put (male or female) a tongue into a vagina and lick the vagina and to make the tongue into almost a spoon (like a spoon and a jar of peanut butter)
until the girl cums

my boyfriend licked me out/lick out/ last night it was good, but he made me blow him next

👍901 👎673

Licked out - what does it mean?

Lick out means to pleasure a girls vagina with your tongue. Could be male or female who does this with their tongue. This gives the female sexual pleasure, especially if you tease her clit.

I got licked out last night for the first time, it was great as his head went in-between my thighs and his tongue entered my vagina. (lick out)

👍791 👎537

Licked out - meaning

When a man performs oral sex on a woman

Johnny likes licking out Ellie

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Licked out - definition

To shove yr tongue up a girls pussy to give her pleasure. Tease the clit to get the best results. She'll come rivers boys. =

Friend 1 : Fancy a lick out?
Friend 2 : Yeah, alex did it to me last night. Was amazing. I need to get licked out more often!

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Licked out - slang

British Army speak for describing something as particularly difficult.

That fitness test was a total lick out

👍39 👎15

Licked out

for a guy (or girl) to lick a girls vagina for sexual pleasure

maeve got a lick out from rayo last year!

👍1135 👎537

Licked out

When a man performs oral sex on a woman

Freddy likes licking out Jenny

👍439 👎155

Licked out

When a man or a woman is performing an oral sex act thus causing the other party to become out of control; to not be able to control your bodily actions ; out of control wild, crazy, sex fiend.

T- Bo : What tricks can you do with that mouth?
Mindy : Some strange stuff ya heard me
T- Bo: That don't make sense, show me
Mindy: Good! I like making you shake anyway with this tongue. You love getting licked out!!
T-Bo : Umm.

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