Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lake Orion?

Lake Orion High School is a gigantic, well- built school in Michigan about an hour from Detroit. Lake Orion High School has every type of person imaginable, from jocks, to nerds; from jerks to friendly peers. It is the largest school in Oakland County with around 2,600 people so there is something for everyone to be involved in including endless amounts of clubs, sports, and arts programs. LOHS has many sports teams (Football, Track, Volleyball, Hockey) along with a bunch of clubs (Bible Study, Singer/ Songwriter Club, Key Club, and almost anything else imaginable). LOHS also has highly skilled arts programs like Band, Choir, Theater, and many others (Photography, Drawing1, etc..). Not to mention, Lake Orion has excellent teachers (except for a few who have no idea what's going on) that help to keep LOHS at an exceptional level based on academics. Personally, I think Lake Orion is a great high school and I'm happy to call myself a Lake Orion alumni.

Have you ever been to Lake Orion High School? I heard their football team was undefeated a few years ago!

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Lake Orion - video


Lake Orion - what is it?

Lake Orion High School is probably one of the most diverse schools in Michigan ethnically and economicly. As there is kids who’s parents work as white collar CEO’s and managers of big companies and there are kids who’s parents work retail. The Lake Orion High School hosts about 2,600 students and within them you can find anyone from ivy-league bound students, to kids who vape in the bathroom and will end up in jail. Overall the staff at the Lake Orion High School are good and the building is well built and clean. The majority of students are from upper middle class white families. The general population is kind and cares about their education. All in all the Lake Orion High School is one of the best in Michigan and hosts some of the most diverse kids.

Oh you go to the Lake Orion High School ? I hear it’s full of rich people.
Yeah many kids come from money but it is also a very diverse well rounded school.
Sounds cool man.

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What does "Lake Orion" mean?

This Michigan high school is full of stuck-up bitches, jocks, rich pussies, and white trash. It's the largest high school in Oakland County but is still over populated with the scum from Pontiac and lower parts of Lake Orion.

If Lake Orion High School got sucked down by a sinkhole, I still wouldn't care about that shit hole.

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Lake Orion - what does it mean?

A good city with a great High school. Although Lake Orion's Downtown sucks, The high school is fun with great people.

Lake Orion, Michigan is awesome!

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Lake Orion - meaning

A trash town located in michigan. Primarily known for the trashiness of the city; also referred to as Lake Whorian for the reputation of the women who reside in said slum.

You see those fags from Lake Whorian? Effin douchebags, I wouldn't mind if Lake Orion ate a nuke tomorrow.

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Lake Orion - definition

Lake Orion is a small town in north east Michigan. Lake Orion consist of many closet and open marijuana useser due to the lack of things to do around the town.

Oh you live in lake Orion? That sucks.

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Lake Orion - slang

Lake Orion

A moderate sized town located in NE Michigan.
The girls , who are often label whores, wear skintight yoga pants, ugg boots, those gay feather hair extensions, and fake Chanel logo earrings.Typically with microscopic breasts and huuge cameltoe. The mostly middle -upper class white teenagers call eachother "nigga" . Guys either are fatter than a fucking hippopotomous and wear JV WRESTLING tshirts, or are skinny pricks that wear shirts that say "A&F Panthers 1892" or some shit. There are a few sexxy ass mofos, but they are quite commonly douchebags, who are pissed they didnt make Jersey Shore casting call. They also enjoy bragging about how kick ass the Varsity football team is, although they couldnt get in to JV.
There are a few good kids in LO. But nobody gives a shiitt about them. But the worst part of all about Lake Orion is that there is absolutely nothing to fucking do.
Residents enjoy binge drinking in eachothers basements for fun. People also enjoy eating at the local diner , G's, where they sometimes serve drinks to minors and make food that tastes worst than dog ass.
If you are as unfortunate as I am to be living in the boring town of Lake Orion, you are one unlucky mother fucker.

Guy 1: "Holy shit, that gal looks like a cheap ass prostitute with them bleachy ass highlites and bra-less tittays!"

Guy 2: "She must be from Lake Orion !! Ask her out , nigga!"

Guy 1: "Naww, I dont feel like getting HIV,Gonorrhea,and Chlymidia. Plus there aint no place to hang out that has a bathroom where she can give me a BJ!"

Guy 2: "God damn, Lake Orion must be boring as hell!! I feel bad for those unlucky motherfuckers!"

Guy 1: "Yeah. Lets go pick up some Rochester babes instead!

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Lake Orion

A place where there is nothing to do. Ever.

I am so bored, and I live in Lake Orion.

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