Definder - what does the word mean?

What is LIncoln?

Luxury division of Ford , named after Abraham Lincoln
The company was founded in 1917 by Henry M. Leland
Purchased by Ford Motor Company in 1922

Jeff said "Don't get in that limo unless it a Lincoln"

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LIncoln - meme gif

LIncoln meme gif

LIncoln - video


LIncoln - what is it?

Sexy man with a huge penis and is a flat out stud at everything he does.

Hey it's Lincoln!

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What does "LIncoln" mean?

Getting unexpectedly hit in the back of the head

Mike got lincolned by a Frisbee.

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LIncoln - what does it mean?

A word to describe the sexiest man you've ever met, who is usually, very smart, handsome and good and sports and video games (ie, StarCraft)

OMG Jacob IS SOOOOOO Lincoln

i wish my guy were a Lincoln

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LIncoln - meaning

Five dollar bills

All I get is lincolns for allowance

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LIncoln - definition

A cumshot to the back of the head.

I was hitting it from behind,then I gave her The Lincoln.

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LIncoln - slang

The coolest person alive, if you ever see him you'll explode. He also has more friends than chuck norris.

Your walking down the street and you explode because the person (obviously a lincoln) walking next to you is so awesome.

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A guy you will fall in love with he may be mean sometimes but on the in side he is a wonderful person. Lincoln loves to play videogames but he may rage a lot while playing them. He is a wonderful friend and will keep your secrets safe.

Look at Lincoln he just got a win. Lincoln gets all the ladies

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A Lincoln is an amazing guy. He is a very sweet and handsome person. On the outside he may sound or act goofy but on the inside, he’s really smart and kind. He makes your world better with funny references and he’ll listen to you if you just want to rant about something. If any lady can find themselves a Lincoln, they’re gonna be the luckiest lady alive

Girl #1: did you hear about that new kid Lincoln?
Girl #2: yeah! I heard he’s really sweet

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Lincoln is a sweet, romantic, hot guy that will do anything to make you laugh. He may seem stupid on the outside but on the inside he is actually smart. He likes video games, and he is good at them. He likes sports too and is very athletic. Night or day, he will be nice to you. He will comfort you, and do everything he can to make people happy and laughing. If you know a Lincoln,(ladies) then I would hang on to him. He is guy that has many friends, and always can get a girl.

Girl: OMG!!! There's Lincoln! He's so hot!!!!
Girl2:I know right? I should date him!

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