Definder - what does the word mean?

What is LEAST?

A phrase used to indicate recognition of a desirable side to an otherwise undesirable situation or experience. Most commonly used after that undesirable situation or event is described as shit on toast.

DUDE: What a terrible day. Just a bunch of shit on toast, bro.

BRO: Well, it's over now. So at least there's toast.

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LEAST - meme gif

LEAST meme gif

LEAST - video


LEAST - what is it?

At least, all things taken into consideration

@least all's well that sends well.

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What does "LEAST" mean?

to have less than another

how many easter eggs did red have? THE LEAST 2

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LEAST - what does it mean?

To do the absolute least; being a captain of hurt; bunk.

Went 0-4 last night in the game.. Ahh man, you were definitely leasting last night. You're so bunk!

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LEAST - meaning

Engrish for "great."

The Least 100sec

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LEAST - definition

word used in place of "at least" by Shana Drenning

In least I don't get points taken off on papers for writing "in least"

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LEAST - slang

least is a shortened version of 'least favourite', first brought about by me to counter a faggots "favourite".

"Your fucking least", "Nah man thats least", "The mouldy hair toe on my stomach is least", Genital warts are least

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Least as used in "the least" is used to say something just ain't happenin is hurt or just kinda gay.

"yo she's hot" "Never man, the least"

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In reference to the amount of children British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has fathered

Joe: *typing* how many children does Boris Johnson have?
Wikipedia: at least six

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A mockery/ contradictory of "The Most"- also found on urban dictionary.

"How drunk are you?"
-"Im the least sober"

"She's 'The Most' hot"
-"Your the least cool."

Guy 1- "Yo, how drunk are you?"
Guy 2- "Im The Most drunk"
Guy 3 overhearing conversation.. "Wow, the least cool."

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