Definder - what does the word mean?

What is LEAFERS?

to deleaf a tree or vine ect

we are going to use a de-leafer to get rid of our decease's

👍33 👎11

LEAFERS - meme gif

LEAFERS meme gif

LEAFERS - video


LEAFERS - what is it?

When large crowds of people, particularly from an urban area, head to smaller towns each fall to see the beautiful foliage causing large traffic jams

I tried to go to the grocery store but there was horrible traffic from all the New Yorkers trying to see the leaves! It was leafer madness!

👍27 👎11

What does "LEAFERS" mean?

LEAFERS, adjective, To break Federal Law by growing and distributing Medical Cannabis to patients or those who in need. A combination of LEAF and LEADERS, LEAFERS. LEAFRRS are modern day healers with Robbinhood like characteristics.

The criminal system has prosecuted many 'Leafers' in the past, but the legalization of cannabis has spread the ideals of sharing the wealth.

👍27 👎17

LEAFERS - what does it mean?

stupid poser kid trying to be cool who crumples leaves up and rolls them into paper, pretending to smoke a joint.

dude, josh is such a dumbass. doesn't he know smoking leaves leads to cancer?

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LEAFERS - meaning

A bunny on a leaf. Originates from Final Fantasy VI on the SNES. Also known as Leaf Bunny in the Game Boy Advance port of the game.

The damn thing bit me. Freakin' Leafers.
*casts Fire*

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LEAFERS - definition

Slang for Toronto Maple Leafs

Those leafers are the best damn team in the NHL

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LEAFERS - slang

People from New York who go to places like Quahog to see the leaves change.

Goddamn leafers.

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A tourist, mostly from urban and suburban areas, visiting rural places in the fall such as New England and Northeast Pennsylvania to see the leaves change color. They sometimes also visit in the summer, where they engage in white water rafting, biking, hiking, and water skiing.

They provide an economic boost for local businesses, but bring with them crowded bars and restaurants, heavy traffic, parking problems, and sometimes even crime. Some leafers are disrespectful to the local residents, labeling them as "rednecks" or "hicks."

"I went downtown to get pizza but I couldn't find a place to park because of all the leafers."

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A leafer is any American who travels north to see the leaves change colour. Also known as a wanna-be Canadian. Hogs your bars and parkig spots.

Check out that car load of leafers, look how happy they are that soon we will be freezing our ass's off.

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NYC people who migrate north to Quahog, RI to see the leaves in the fall.

New York and everyone from there can fornicate themselves with an iron stick.

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